Quote Originally Posted by Marmitecuff View Post
Hi Jenny. As others have said we're quite simple creatures, nakedness, alcohol, more nakedness.

I've often found we're possibly more difficult to cater for than women. So a 1 size fits all gift can be harder to do.

So I'll try give a few different options.

Fragrances, can't go wrong with creed, sauvage, bleu by Chanel or invictus.

Clothing, accessories for us can be hit just like with ladies. I won't go as far as a timepiece because that can be much more difficult. However a nice tie, most men have a couple suits and a tie goes well. Since we're also in the midst of winter a nice pair of gloves or even a nice scarf can work well.

As the new year approaches a personalised diary or journal would be lovely. Or if he has an enjoyment for cooking you could get him a new set of cooking knives.

However I'm sure you've had some conversations to some extent about his interests. Try and pinpoint some of them, for example if he likes to go climbing, you could get a voucher for a wall adventure. He could be into puzzles and teasers so a book of those could go down well.

Effectively I'm telling you what I'd like.

I hope you do find the right gift of choice.

And if all else fails. Blows his f**king brains out.
Hahaha, this made me laugh, nakedness alcohol and more nakedness ha ha brilliant, yes of course I know his interests I’m not going to state them here but thanks for your contribution got a right laugh out of this!!!!!