Because GAA is a culchiefied mess of an organisation and their sports embody the worst of Irish paddywhackery.

Ding ding! Mouse opens with a kick to the balls!

Sure, the skill sets for football and hurling (in particular) are impressive. Fastest field sport in the world and all.

But you know what? I hate listening to the baying of thickly-accented half-wits who would obviously be more at home in a pit of slurry than amongst civilised people. Whip! Lash! Pull hard on de ball! Gwan lads! Over de bar! Ah sure jaysus dis is fabbilous!

And there's not a week that goes by without a newspaper reporting "FIVE THOUSAND MAN BRAWL IN BALLYARSE GAA MATCH" with a picture of grannies bateing the shite out of the referee. Football is a filthy sport - there's loose elbows, shoulders, feet and headbutts flying around all over the place. A hurley is an offensive weapon. The GAA gives no shit that most of its players are thugs - I've never seen a player banned for more than a couple of months for deliberately causing injuries to another player. Brawls involving half the fucking parish are hilarious, but scary.