Quote Originally Posted by Dirty Harry View Post
yeah i see what you are saying what pisses me off is priests were in a position of trust and ruined many peoples lives and like you say it a business the catholic church it seems that was more important to protect than the children maybe i was a bit harsh calling him a nazi but thats the way i see him in my book most of them are evil and i do feel sorry for any genuine priests i have an uncle who was a priest he went over to africa on a mission with this school teacher any way they had an affair and Eventually he got married he got out of it and fair play to him ok we will call him an old fogey thats loosing his marbles bloody natzi........oopse sorry
Fair play to your uncle, he cant help who he falls in love with. The Catholic church is a powerful business and like any business it doesnt want to loose its power and money so they cover up. What they did was appaling but they arent the only ones doing it, but have been caught out big time and have mass publsied accusations. They are an arcane institute that needs modernisation if they want to survive and need to get any devient priest defrocked and help[