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Thread: Where have all the escorts gone?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by pint of the black stuff View Post
    certainly hope suicide isn't a factor. My cousin killed herself ..possibly accidentally..never intended to go that fari. only a month before Christmas.
    Let's hope suicide, reality as it might be, not a factor.
    Oh, sorry about that. Looking into it, I think it only happens in January because christmas seems to stop most people... but overall its the spring to summer months that have it most.

    Quote Originally Posted by pint of the black stuff View Post
    hey nicegirlsarenice.. i should introduce myself.. i'm a just registered user.. nothing more. First time to post today that's all. Just getting the swing of it. Registered some time back though. Maybe my about me is visible if it helps but as i said just getting used to my bearings again with all the enthusiasm of newbie.
    Okay well best of luck in your future time on this site, it can be a fun place to hang out.

  2. Default

    cheers nicegirlsarenice and i thought spring and summer was something to look fwd to! Just kidding! Nice chatting..but i'm outa here for now.
    Catch ya again soon!
    Ps Anyone else got any further interesting musings on why escorts numbers are so down please post..
    ..not eyvrehtnig in balck and wihte mkaes snese

  3. #13

    Default Shiver me Timbers !

    Ps Anyone else got any further interesting musings on why escorts numbers are so down please post..[/QUOTE]

    Yaaaaarrrrrr , the harbour taverns are quiet and them wenches be far an few between at present,coz all us punters be savin our sov`s to pay Master Card , who be due to collect shortly.
    He be a demanding Master we have to appease or else he do raise his claim.
    Celibacy now,is a high price to pay fer a few trinklets to give at Crimbo.
    So shipmates tough it out even by until a finer influx of lasses do reach our shores.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by nicegirlsarenice View Post
    Your avatar has a beard and is smoking... I can't inhale smoke as I have breathing problems.

    Once when I was at an escort I got a cold chill in my lungs and had to breathe a lot to get back to normal, and the escort thought it was me getting into it more... sad.... It's fine most of the time though... the time I eat the most fruit. I would probably be literally dead in two weeks if I started smoking and eating like normal people.

    If the ape was female, you never know. Stuff happens.

    This time of the year is actually the time of most suicides as well... I wonder if could be a little bit of connection, one of the factors.
    Here you go NGAN another primate with breathing problems

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  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2007


    Considering 19 escorts are Coming Soon to Dublin alone, I think we can say business is picking back up again - at least for the punters...
    Though we are not now that strength which in old days moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are; one equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2008


    It's just the time of year. I see it every year. January is always the month with the fewest escorts. I suppose they know it's not worth their while with it been so close to Christmas knowing clients won't be able to afford to see them. There will be more escorts here I'm sure as we get closer to February.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Its just time of year,it always gets busier last few days/start of a month,its makes sense with alot of people getting paid at the end of a month,low hanging fruit time.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by pint of the black stuff View Post
    Just about a month ago or so there were over 730 female escorts listed at times, it's down nearly 300 now to around 430 ish now. Sure Christmas and the new year came and went and obviously everyone is entitled to take the holidays(although many still worked through i noticed) but it's still quite a drop that hasn't really picked up much.

    Although the numbers are gradually picking up, what with January half gone it seems a little slow. Have many escorts left and decided to stay away or indeed stay home? Or will it pick up as the days and weeks go by? Or have many left the business for good?

    Anyone have any musings on it..?
    Every time I see an escort, I kidnap her afterwards, I have them all stashed in a Martello tower, only 300 to go now.
    Once a prick - always a prick.

  9. Thumbs up so far..

    Thanks for the feedback so far..
    Here are the suggested reasons why escort numbers are currently way down..

    1) the time of year..
    annually january is a typically slow month. Everyone is trying is pay their own bills so discretionary spend or other is limited. And sadly most escorts dont accept mastercard so money is very tight.

    2) the time of the month..
    pay day isn't for a couple of weeks so again little spare cash and little low hanging fruit for escorts, to pick i guess

    3) 'Suicide' is most prevalent at this of year and gets worse into the spring and summer. I seriously hope this is not the case, i'm looking fwd to the end of the winter

    4) Rover is kidnapping escorts which he is holding captive in a martello tower. Not sure how many martello towers there are but it's definitely worth checking your nearest one. Escorts.. it might be worth familiarising yourselves with the martello tower locations and give rover a large berth.

    5) clientel respiratory conditions particularly among primates. Seems some are have breathing problems for various reasons which is affecting business.

    But it appears the outlook is good. Numbers are picking up steadily with a healthy number waiting in the wings and coming your way soon!

    Thanks again people for your feedback. Any more suggestions especially from the escort side please do post.

    pint of the black stuff
    ..not eyvrehtnig in balck and wihte mkaes snese

  10. #20
    Join Date
    May 2008


    They just dont want to have a January sale. C'mon girls admit it
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