Quote Originally Posted by nicegirlsarenice View Post
The reason doesn't matter a blind bit Alec Horan. The fact is that they're HERE NOW scamming the welfare systems and robbing us blind left, right and centre.

Nobody is saying "people from Africa are all bad men", why the hell do you come up with reasons as to why all Africans aren't like that. Your ideas of us being racist are ALL IN YOUR HEAD.

So no need for the lecture on what a lot of people living in Africa are like, it just makes it worse that we're the prison/detention centre of the African countries.

Where do you think the migrants come from???? It's from a broken system in Africa. The system will remain broken and we're going to get flooded with more and more migrants, all wanting a piece of our country. The government couldn't give a shit about the migrants, they care about the cheap labour.
You might as well be a n American WASP or British Tory talking about the Irish for all the sense you're making.