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Thread: Ireland : I'm hating it here

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Alec Horan View Post
    Firstly I do not equate your Stalin avatar and quotes directly with you - I dont imagine that you have condemned millions to death or life in a gulag like labor camp. I presume you do this for a bit of naughty fun, dont you ? Therefore I would imagine that I need not answer for Che. Che was also a qualified Doctor so it would also be wrong of me to accept kudos for that.

    With regard to your links-
    the first does not work and the second is merely a story about bureaucratic inefficiency.

    With regard to the argument re Africans in Ireland. Do you understand the difference between an emigrant and refugee seeker- two very distinct issues.

    Is African immigration a good thing ?

    There are 2 types of immigrant - refugee -fleeing danger and economic - fleeing poverty. I have no problem with either. We can easily afford it.

    I would ask those that do complain
    do you have
    running water/electricity/access to healthcare/education/social welfare/a vote/transport public and personal/ heating etc.

    if people have these and still refuse to help refugees then they will never help anyone because frankly they are too selfish.
    sorry about this i didnt really want to get into this side of the thread but i just want to say i dont have a problem with either type of immigrant to a certin extent. and in answer to your "do you have" question ....yes i have but there are plenty of irish people sleeping on the streets of every irish city tonight that would answer no i dont. i feel thats where we should start helping and not looking outside to help others.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    I am stalin

    Refuggees?? FFS????? wake up and smell the coffee

    Alec its a scam Nigerians for example have to pass over 12 countires or something to get to us We have no direct link there. why don't they go to ghana and return home when the great
    Nigrgian civil ends.

    I don't know why the first link does not work its a survey on immigration
    The second points out that 2.26 billion has been spent on asylum fees. less money for me kids etc.

    The celtic tiger at least in its second bubble phase was largly a mirage
    Resoucres are limited. Its Irish people on the margins that get squessed by it
    The follow thru what you saying is that we could take in a million refugges without famine.
    The orinday worker whow is displaced. For example (X% of newspapers boyes in cork city seem to
    foreign where are the Irish gone Are they the homeless.


    See 2007 report

    Crime commital rates
    African = 612
    Irish = 6447

    Irish = 4,000,000
    African = 40,000

    1% of population
    10% higher rate of commital in 2007 Than Irish

    1% of all africans where commited in 2007.

    The ratio for UK, France, Netherlands begger belief .

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Sep 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by jayf1 View Post
    sorry about this i didnt really want to get into this side of the thread but i just want to say i dont have a problem with either type of immigrant to a certin extent. and in answer to your "do you have" question ....yes i have but there are plenty of irish people sleeping on the streets of every irish city tonight that would answer no i dont. i feel thats where we should start helping and not looking outside to help others.
    no problem jay- If you disagree then thats your right- what I am worried in particular about is that some tend to blame the immigrant for what is a policy of many Western governments.

    If someone avails of these policies in a legal manner then good luck to them.

    There is no doubt whatsoever that there are many Irish that need and deserve help also- In that we are in total agreement.

    Rather than dismiss the deserving foreigner should we not aspire to good treatment of all regardless of nationality. None of us chose to be born where we were. Its just a matter of luck.

    There is plenty of money and housing around (as Comrade Morvado stated earlier) to help out- what we need are voters and politicians with the guts to bite the bullet and do the right thing.

  4. #34
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    Sep 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by whiteknight111 View Post
    I am stalin

    Refuggees?? FFS????? wake up and smell the coffee

    Alec its a scam Nigerians for example have to pass over 12 countires or something to get to us We have no direct link there. why don't they go to ghana and return home when the great
    Nigrgian civil ends.

    I don't know why the first link does not work its a survey on immigration
    The second points out that 2.26 billion has been spent on asylum fees. less money for me kids etc.

    The celtic tiger at least in its second bubble phase was largly a mirage
    Resoucres are limited. Its Irish people on the margins that get squessed by it
    The follow thru what you saying is that we could take in a million refugges without famine.
    The orinday worker whow is displaced. For example (X% of newspapers boyes in cork city seem to
    foreign where are the Irish gone Are they the homeless.


    See 2007 report

    Crime commital rates
    African = 612
    Irish = 6447

    Irish = 4,000,000
    African = 40,000

    1% of population
    10% higher rate of commital in 2007 Than Irish

    1% of all africans where commited in 2007.

    The ratio for UK, France, Netherlands begger belief .
    The crime rate of ALL emigrants is normally greater than that of the indiginous populace- And the reason.

    People that emigrate tend to be between the ages of 20-35 (how many Irish do you know that emigrated and what were their ages ?)which is also the main ages for those that commit crime in every nation on the planet.

    They also now are on their own and dont have the same social pressures from family/ friends to conform to social mores (ever go abroad and do stuff you wouldnt do at home ?)

    They also start on the bottom rung of the new society they join. This is a sub group also more likely again to commit crime.

    Your stats are totally correct but should not be read in isolation to the greater number of facts.

    Also as Nigerias first language is English it makes more sense to go to a wealthy English speaking nation dont you think.

    On a lighter note Nigerians are also I believe the greatest consumer of Guinness in the world per head of pop. It certainly has the largest brewery. Thats another attraction I guess.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics"

    The Crime stats for next genertaion african disapora in europe are shocking.
    look at england. This is a racist statement but factual correct.

    The basic point is Ireland would be a better country and a better place for
    irish people if Immigration was severaly restricted.
    "Its my Field".

    irish jobs for irish workers.
    An end to bogus aslyum.

    I have had enough my blood pressure is going thru roof
    Might go an visit an non-national escort or something.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Alec Horan View Post
    The crime rate of ALL emigrants is normally greater than that of the indiginous populace- And the reason.
    The reason doesn't matter a blind bit Alec Horan. The fact is that they're HERE NOW scamming the welfare systems and robbing us blind left, right and centre.

    Nobody is saying "people from Africa are all bad men", why the hell do you come up with reasons as to why all Africans aren't like that. Your ideas of us being racist are ALL IN YOUR HEAD.

    So no need for the lecture on what a lot of people living in Africa are like, it just makes it worse that we're the prison/detention centre of the African countries.

    Where do you think the migrants come from???? It's from a broken system in Africa. The system will remain broken and we're going to get flooded with more and more migrants, all wanting a piece of our country. The government couldn't give a shit about the migrants, they care about the cheap labour.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by whiteknight111 View Post
    "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics"

    The Crime stats for next genertaion african disapora in europe are shocking.
    look at england. This is a racist statement but factual correct.

    The basic point is Ireland would be a better country and a better place for
    irish people if Immigration was severaly restricted.
    "Its my Field".

    irish jobs for irish workers.
    An end to bogus aslyum.

    I have had enough my blood pressure is going thru roof
    Might go an visit an non-national escort or something.
    There are a helluva lot of Irish in Britain-

    Isn't Liverpool a very Irish city - Is there much crime there ?

  8. #38
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  9. #39
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    Default EP is correct............

    Quote Originally Posted by experienced punter View Post
    I'm moving the arse related posts to the arse thread..........
    "It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them."

  10. #40
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anna23 View Post
    Kelly Curvybabe, who is Irish is making this up too in the other thread just to slander irish men?

    Why would I make this up, it can cause me only trouble to post the truth like this here. The only reason is, that i'm so stupidly honest.

    No reason to doubt my honesty, I've proven being honest many times before.
    I have hundreds of pairs of sheets Anna a friend sold them to me still in the packet unwanted x-mas gifts flannelette warm ones they are all colours they're expensive can deliver.....

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