Well i dont get lots of things but i definately dont get this.A few things actually,

Ok so i said i wouldnt go back to my old ways of not reading news or watching it but i guess its because what im seeing is so damn unreal.

Cowen doesnt know where the minister for transport is?Apparently he might be in Miami and this is despite Cowen saying that meetings are being held daily on the weather crisis.This isnt fuckin good enough.Ppl will loose lives because of the roads.Not good enough,period.Between this shit and Lenehan going to attempt to impress us all with his heroism ,this crowd just have to go.They are continuing to take the piss just like they did with Lisbon and being disrepectful to the Irish ppl.

We have an army,we have over 400,000 ppl unemployment alot of whom would be more than willing to help out ,so what arent they?The thing is and this is funny.The gov say in the case of an emergency they have a plan in place.Hello lads the fuckin emergency has being here for the last week.Army transport and equipment could be used in these cases to their fullest.They arent and why?

Seriously,FF no longer care or have any respect for the ppl of this country.Here are ppl who in the case of Cowen ,only a short while ago ,was at the funeral of an FF politicians brother who died in a road accident.All FF do is look after themselves and their pals and fuck the Irish ppl.

The very same party who want the Irish ppl to have sympathy for one of their memebers who has cancer ,have no probs in not giving a fuck about anything or anyone.Its not their problem if some kid somewhere is killed or has a parent die.Its worse they are getting,not better.There needs to be way found to get a general election and get these ppl out of office quickly.

Where the fuck is Harney?Where the fuck is Dempsey?Where the fuck are most of them?they have all ran under the carpet again.Shame.The men of 1916 were were tortured and shot for less and these evil geits claim to be part of that ongoing breed.The fuck they are.

FF have to and need to go now,