-significant in politics was the ending of tensions & the formation of a power sharing government in Northern Ireland remember how things were at the start of the decade?
-the outing of the banks here the revelation that they bankers/developers/politicians were mocking us all throwing money amongst themselves living it up never short of money while now the ordinary man pays for all their mistakes/greed what must other countries think of us & our financial institutions?
-the Iraq War & the execution of Saddam Hussein this is amazing coz it should never have happened in the first place 'weapons of mass destruction & all that'(there were none) simply Britains prime minister Tony Blair was coerced by gunslinger US President George Bush to go to war again all the thousands of innocent lives lost noone gave a fuck - Bush & Blair =War Criminals
-the incredible 9/11 tragedy a dream hit for evil terrorists
-the loss of 2 loving memorable long term relationships I ended one the other I got dumped & the distraught that came with them breakups the furter heartbreak in a brief r/ship with a gorgeous girl this year coz I opened my big mouth I will forever regret that one sentence- goodbye to this year/decade...