Couldn't agree more. In Bangkok I spent time in Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy but much preferred initially picking up Freelancers in Nightclubs or Thermae Cafe. (Got to visit this place either way). Freelancers in Nightclubs are fairly upfront on money. I later met a lady in one of the Nightclubs with a pretty decent day job. Thought it too awkward to ask and it never came up. Still in contact with this lady. Had similar happen again in Bangkok and once in Pattaya. But as you say best to get out of tourist areas. I try this first now and can always go for Freelancer if no luck.

With some Freelancers I went short time but they stayed long time for same price. Even met following nights for short time price. The attachment issue is a big problem if you don't want to change your circumstances at home. It gets worse for me each time. The first few weeks are hard after a trip as you say and I'm still going through it.

I've been on one trip to Philippines and lady wise it was great. I don't think as good as Thailand but my main issue is I never felt safe there. Saw a trans individual beat the crap out of a bloke in the middle of the street early evening. Security guards at the mall entrance with pump action shotguns! Poverty is much more obvious. Having said that Philippino people are lovely and don't regret going. Vietnam is amazing. I've only been to Hanoi and can't wait to go back. I didn't do anything lady wise when there, but was approached by a few Freelancers on beer street. Hear Ho Chi Min is better for Ladys.

All things considered for me you can't go wrong with Thailand. If you can take the attachment problem!

Great feedback from GoneShootig overall. Won't go wrong following his advice.