Quote Originally Posted by nicegirlsarenice View Post
Sex assault victim asks locals not to judge her - The Irish Times - Mon, Dec 21, 2009

I think this girl/woman is milking it for all it's worth. Does there not seem anything odd to you about this...

I think she led him on, he was probably drunk out of his head and now she's playing the victim. Real victims don't say things like what's she's saying. They're not all dramatic like she is being, and they really hate the people who committed the act against them. They don't ask the locals "please don't judge me"... they get on with their lives.

"She added that Foley had effectively got five years for sexually assaulting her, but that she had to live with that for life." ==> what a dramaqueen. She's playing to the media, parroting away what she heard she's supposed to feel like. People like her disgust me.

It was only a single incident. She wasn't raped. I know it's a very serious thing, but she doesn't have to live with it for the rest of her life. She'll forget about it.

He got five years in prison for that? I think it's ridiculous. I blame the media and the unnatural way we're brought up. It's all messed up. People are so extremely sexually repressed that they don't understand how to deal with things like this. The judge probably thinks he's such a valiant knight putting 'scum of the earth' away while the girl thinks she's a courageous woman. And worst of all, people are unable to think for themselves.

Well that's all I have to say on it. But before you come in on your high horse, just think that some day you too might be the real victim, the person noone believes because it's not "the cool thing to do nowadays". And spare a thought of that poor man sitting inside in jail tonight because of something that he did on the spur of a moment.
And this post once again proves it..........

I don't even know where to start...........

Absolute bo**ix and bu**sh*t from start to finish.............