Would like someone to sense check this for me please, and let me know if it's me being unreasonable.

So recently in a small cafe/restaurant, I ordered coffee and sure enough the waitress brought it to me at my table (I was having food as well). I said thank you, and very politely asked if I could have some sweeteners. The girl (early 20's I'd guess) at first seemed to be thinking about my request for a second, then she just looked at me. So I smiled and again asked if she might have some sweeteners. All she did was point at the sugar bowl that was on the table, which I duly examined to make sure I hadn't missed a sachet or two of Candrell hiding in there, which there wasn't. So I looked back to her, all the while I'm very conscious of remaining very polite and friendly, and I just said that there was only sugar in the bowl, and that I was looking for sweetener.

At that point, the girl remained expressionless and silent, she broke eye contact and walked off. I presumed she would be back with the sweetener, but none ever arrived.

I have to wonder what I did wrong in the situation. I went out of my way to keep nice and friendly, but she seemed to take it all as being a most unreasonable and extravagant request, and she was stoically having none of my nonsense.

Could I have done better??