GFE is always the deal breaker for me. I love a good old proper snog. In my mind there is no way to have GFE without sensual kissing.

So what kind of kisser are you? What kind of kissing do your prefer? 💋 I'm interested to hear from the ladies as well, what way do you like to be kissed by clients? Perhaps girls you can give us some points on how not to kiss a woman and how we should be doing it.

I am the kind of guy who likes to take it slowly and gently, I like to build up to a FK after testing the waters to see if FK is welcome. I think when a lady relaxes and you gain some initial trust kissing goes a lot better. I believe taking it slowly is a way of showing a woman respect.

But then, what do I know I could be just spouting a load of horse shit.😁

I would love to hear what you all think is the best way to do the humble kiss 😘

Joe 👍