Escort Ireland Community Statistics
Threads: 26,832, Posts: 154,517, Members: 21,436

@23:46 Nov27 2009

Some useless facts.

Real Unduplicated Members - 119
Banned - 16,212
Abusive Threads - 25%
Inane Threads - 65%
Inane Threads started by Westie - 100% (assuming Diamond Gypsy is another alias of couse)
Impotent Members(excuse the pun) - 85% (still less than IIE !)
Insane Members- 1% (I know, I was surprised too....)
Virgins - 50% (way less than IIE )
Posts made while under influence of Alcohol/ Narcotic/ Upper/ downers etc. - 80%
Pimp Members - Undisclosed
Members that Wish they were Pimps - 95%
Members classified as Losers in polite company - 1
Self abusers - I think we all know the answer to that one........
Moderator to member Ratio- 1:1

I'm sure that some more stats will be available soon- Perhaps you have one ?