Quote Originally Posted by Westsidex View Post
you can only comment on whats in front of you.This whole thing was based on a moral reason for those who decided to leave.They said they couldnt stay in here good consious so left.That is a moral issue.

Thanks for the complements and oh by the way,lack of transparency isnt an issue for me,i can see right though you.

that's my point! i am only commenting on whats in front of me! im not getting involved in the reasons of the dispute between EI and the banned people and those who left for their own reasons.

i dont know anything about the dispute, apart from what ive read here, so i am not entitled to have an opionon on the moral issue, whatever it may be. im commenting on the nature of the dispute, not the reasons for it and im commenting on the atmosphere here as a result of the dispute and yes ill say it again - transparency.

you can see right through me? either youve outted my super secret sinister agenda to take over EI or youve got a nifty pair of xray specs!

ive had my two cents and as i admittedly dont know anything about the dispute i wont post anymore, i dont want to add the badness.

im just a disgruntled customer. thats all. no more. no less.

ive had my say and anything more would just resort to childish digs as you and i seem to have already begun! we aint even arguing about the same thing man!

later all

anyway twist this whatever way you want