surprise, surprise anna!

i knew you had been complaining about me to the staff here, because i posted " are in you bad mood" on your advertising thread, as i got a pm from a mod yesterday asking me not to post on your thread, well i pm'd back and said yea no problem, i will give the lady nothing to complain about!

if my memory serves me correct, didn't you post the same thing about me, on blond nikky's thread the day after i had been to see you, so you can post about me but you go crying to the mods if i post nothing malicious about you, only are you in bad mood, to me that's just being sarcastic, not rude!

so do me a favour come down of your high horse, as your not number 1 escort on this site, and keep out of my way, and i will keep out of yours, end of subject ok! thank you HWDW!