STDs are a real risk.

I myself have caught an STD from OWO with an escort
I have been punting for two years and I estimate I saw 15 different escorts on 45
occasions OWO was always available except on two occasions.
So in my experience there is a 2.3 % chance of catching an STD from OWO with escorts.
I am sure that I have been unlucky and the actual number for punters/escorts
is lower. but what?? 1%, 0.5% , .0002%
I was lucky at time as the STD was mild one in terms of effect and I was not in a relationship.
It was fixed by anti-biotic and an embarrassing visit to STI clinic.

On the occasion in question it was some time ago and the escort was reputable and is no longer on EI. I spent two hours with her on a evening she was very busy (i.e. I assume she saw another punter shortly before I arrived and received a lot of OWO and for some reason I never showered or washed before leaving that night. Perhaps If I had gone in when she was not busy, received a little less OWO and showered afterwards the probability of getting an STD would be have been lower.

My problem is no-one knows what the actual risk is?
To say the risk is "very low" what does this mean 1-100 1-100000 ??????
We need more information in order to make proper decision about the services
We give and reveice in order to protect your health.

Can EI commission a survey of punters/escorts on site or is there too much
money being made to worry about people's health?