It was wrong of me to call you both fucking halfwits, you're probably something else completely........

Quote Originally Posted by blankmannn View Post

And by the way, what a lovely method of balancing your argument you set across...

You have the debating skill of a dictator.

(Is this where I say...and before you start - fuck off in advance!?)
Quote Originally Posted by ploy26p View Post
quite the compasionate lady..
But please explain this to me. Why, after 10 serious posts in this thread, which I consider to be a serious subject, would you both reply to Taylors posts with the above reply???

Blankmann, you have refered to this lady as having the debating skills of a dictator, and then Ploy comments on her compasion............

And you question my reaction to this???

PS - There'll be no PM's, they seem to be less private these days anyway.........