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Thread: Anyone here Sean Moncrief talking abou E-I

  1. #51
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by ninebythree View Post
    Totally unrelated but i actually just remembered............

    While i sitting in the q today waiting for the swine flu jab and filling in the form....this geezer filling his in next to me asks ..................what does d o b stand for

    WTF does this have to do with Newstalk hijacker ?

  2. #52
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    Default Ok, I'm here now.....

    Quote Originally Posted by ninebythree View Post
    Stop hi jacking the thread about newstalk................jez, u can never find a mod when u want one

    Is it "I love news talk and think Sean is the bomb?"..................
    "It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them."

  3. #53
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    Sep 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by topdawg View Post
    Here is a thought.

    I was reading the thread and it has hit on something that has been bothering me for some time.

    The media in general (both Irish and UK) is almost completely left wing, politically correct and doesnt seem to dare to posit the alternative point of view, i.e. the conservative and right wing viewpoint. My worry is that people are no longer thinking for themselves and looking at both sides of any argument, either by researching it, or by just asking themslves whether they agree with the opinion that is being given to them by the journalists (or media barons).

    I particularly think it is interesting that some posters are decrying Michael Graham's slot on Hook's show on friday evening. He is one of the only conservative commentators we have on the media currently and I wonder what people are afraid of? Are they worried that people might have their beliefs challenged? Are they worried about people being poisoned by rational thought? Intelligent people will always be interested in looking at both sides of any argument and make up their own minds after considering the differing points....

    And finally, I find it bewildering that anyone would think Hook is right wing.. He is so liberal it is scary......

    Just my two cents worth.

    I dont agree with that myself- In my opinion most media is so right wing its untrue. I have a different concept as to what what real left wing/ liberal media really is.

    I dont believe that media outlets owned by the likes of Murdoch, O'Brien, O'Reilly et al have any relationship with left wing bias. It does not seem to make sense, to me at any rate.

    Left wing/liberal is defined by the likes of Pilger, Chomsky, Greg Palast and their like. You want to understand media/left -right wing so called liberal media as I understand it then watch this.
    manufacturing consent - Google Videos

    This video represents an alternative point of view.

    You stated
    Are they worried that people might have their beliefs challenged? Are they worried about people being poisoned by rational thought? Intelligent people will always be interested in looking at both sides of any argument and make up their own minds after considering the differing points...

    This is an argument used by facists,communists, capitalists, scientists, creationists, psyschics etc.- does not everyone think that they are right and the rest of the world wrong.

    "Orthodoxy is my doxy - heterodoxy is another man's doxy"
    - William Warburton

  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by topdawg View Post

    The salient point of my post that you don't seem (to me anyway) to have grasped is the fact that the general public is not looking at both sides of any argument in terms of "the news". I

    But would not agree that during the wars in afgan/iraq that bbc and sky took completely different stances in the coverage to each other


  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by topdawg View Post

    The salient point of my post that you don't seem (to me anyway) to have grasped is the fact that the general public is not looking at both sides of any argument in terms of "the news". In time gone by, we had a press that vocalised differing points of view, like the independent, press and times. Now it seems to me at least that there is no real difference in terms of editorial slant....
    You made the point that media was now left wing in Irl/UK therefore having a left wing bias and little or no room for conservative ideas.

    I postulated that the contrary is true. Our media in Irl/UK IS right wing.
    I argued that because the most powerful media outlets are owned / controlled by wealthy capitalists it follows that they would not allow their minions to be left wing / liberals in the truest sense of the word.

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by ninebythree View Post
    But would not agree that during the wars in afgan/iraq that bbc and sky took completely different stances in the coverage to each other

    N o

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by topdawg View Post

    With the greatest respect, I cannot agree with you. I would direct you to Fox News in the US as an example of right wing news. I agree that our media is owned by rich individuals but they are all slaves to advertisers and to the readership of listeners or viewers. Advertising rates are determined by the numbers of these people and as such, the ethos is not to piss them off and stop them reading, listening or viewing. I fail to see how any reasonable person could possibly think that the prevailing media in this country is anything other than left wing. would suggest the NAMA debate a an example. The German government has put a very similar institution in place and nobody seems to have noticed. I know we arent watching the German news every night, but I would posit the opinion that there hasn't been the hysteria in Germany about their solution that we have had in this country.

    I would be very interested i any evidence that anyone has that the media in this country is anything other than very left wing. This is (in my view) on the basis that the public in general is afraid to voice or hold an opinion other than that which is proposed by the unions.

    look at the strike action that is proposed by the public service unions. They are now asking for the private sector to join in with them. The private sector workers are so afraid of losing their jobs that I cannot see them joining in. The public sector unions know that their membes cannot be sacked....

    This is a much bigger debate than we can have here, but surely common sense should prevail?

    you draw some odd correlations and vague generalisations to posit your arguments. can you please be specific.

    its a question of yours which i put back at you with one word changed
    I would be very interested i any evidence that anyone has that the media in this country is anything other than very right wing
    i really dont know about your use of the word very- i can only imagine your political beliefs

  8. #58
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  9. #59

    Lightbulb Book and reviews

    its a book i intended gatting but its probally full of exaggeration like paul williams tabloid bits and his crime books.. anything to fill up the pages, paper never refused ink..

    but on the subject of reviews, i do think some of the lads here go too far with detail.. the author has a point on this.. many lads day attractive girl, good personality etc. but some do go in incrdible detail regarding verious acts and i believe this should be limited

    taking into account that non punters and kids might have a gander at the site now and again, we do need to exhibit a certain degree of responsibility..

  10. #60
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    Default But he has in his book..

    Quote Originally Posted by doozer121 View Post
    Then saying how, and he was very careful not to mention the name of this site, but the predominant escort site which is basicly peddling sex for a living. How E-I cant be prosecuted becuse it operates out side the state. etc
    Website names and quotes from punter and WGs alike including the user names.


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