remember last year, went for a duo in waterford when i was with my ex, i paid for the hour parking when i went to see the girls, but i forgot about the ticket on the dash as i came out so happy. drove home and parked the car up and got my work van, she came home and started to clean the car out as it was a sunny evening and she found the ticket, with 11.15am waterford borough council on it and date, what the fuck were you doing in waterford today, i had to be quick on my feet, i said i brought a friend down to pick up hes new golf clubs why, the friend i mentioned she knew he dosent drive, she said oh i found this ticket i said yea we had to park up and walk to the shop. i said i have to go to the shop and went to phone my friend asap and let him know if she asks we went to get you some new clubs, to this day i dont think she believes me, but hey who cares im single