Quote Originally Posted by Westsidex View Post
I wonder how many women get breast reductions?I know women who go for surgery go along the lines of an increase in bust size.how about reduction?Has any escort gotten a breast reduction?

I know two women (not escorts) who have had it done.One who in his her fifties got it done because they were growing and growing.Her bust size was enourmous.Im useless with bra sizes but i would put a guess at a bust of 60" or so.She was natural too.An average medium heavy built woman.Her bust put be about a foot at least in front of her shoulders and almost down to her belly button with no saggy look.Enourmous.I saw her lately and they are average now.

The other girl ,in her thirties, i know on a more personal level.She told me when guys spoke to her she felt like a pair of tits and thats it.She was sick of it.(this was her third time telling me as i was distracted.) joke.No way near as large as the other woman (the other woman could have had the biggest natural bust in the world) but large enough to make her self consious.Shes married too so its not likie she was out on the pull.She got them reduced also.

Im just wondering how common this is as opposed to enlargements or reshape.

i hear dubladooooo got a brain implant,
I know a girl who I went to university with who had amazingly large breasts, when she was about 24 she had them reduced because she had really bad back pain.

strangely enough we lost contact shortly after that, all part of growing up though I imagine