I have thought a lot about the recent linguistic wars on this site and I have come up with a peace proposal which I hope will be accceptable to all sides.

I propose
1) that E-I's Irish language sister site www.striapacha.com be equipped with a discussion forum, where Irish language posters may discuss punting as gaeilge without being disturbed by bearla,
2) that, in accord with the linguistic provisions of the Irish constitution, www.striapacha.com be considered the official punting site of the Republic of Ireland, independently of whether anyone actually visits the site,
3) that all Irish language discussions migrate from E-I to the new www.striapacha.com forum, and
4) that anyone interested in discussing punting in Latin register the domain www.meretrices-hibernienses.ie and establish a forum on that site.

Your comments on this proposal are welcome.