That divide is even within one country ,the cultural divide between urban and rural Ireland is
still massive

Yeah you guys have a bit of catching up to do yet.We even have Spar in Cork now.What next??????

a great judge of this are the girls that come here,

Yeah they go away with headaches alright from rural Ireland.They go to a place like Westville to summon the gods of freedom.

they will tell u that the people

My profile isnt up yet and neither are my rates.

There may be a difference but its nothing like the difference in cultures.The French are very different to us,the Germans are completely different to us whereas the Eastern Europeans are 100% different to us even in their approch to anything.The closest i think to us are the Spainish and English.

Now there is nothing at all wrong with any of this as long as politics and religons are kept out of it and this is where it always goes wrong.Bring politics and religous differences into things and you have a very potentially bad outcome.

Even looking at Lisbon along and even looking at the difference in opinions of yes and no voters and this is within our own country.If it were 100 years ago we would have a civil war.Just look at Lisbon.As a no voter i found it a very personal affair considering a direct relative of mine was one of the founders of the Republican movement which fought for freedom whereas i see yes voters shafting that.This is just one eg from our own.Imagine if it involved those from other states.
