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Thread: poor me :(

  1. #1
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    Unhappy poor me :(

    Ok so have had a bit of an awful night and had to post what went on as I am so confused by this clients actions.
    So here he is a nice young extremely successful single father to one beautiful child.he is a regular and someone who I have seen quite a few times so when he rang for an appointment tonight completely rat arsed I felt that it would be fine as I knew him and didn’t think him capable of any bad behaviour.
    How wrong I was.
    We started fine the usual chat that left me of course wanting more as we disagree on pretty much every subject and I of course love a good debate.
    As he only wanted a half hour and I had other people booked in I suggested we move things into the bedroom.
    Rock hard straight away he started the usual drunk sex talk as I was performing my world famous oral
    Heres where it started to get weird.
    He started to ask how much I make in a week,roughly like!!!
    Then there was the" whats the most you’ve made off one client" question.
    I never talk money during an appointment as it is so unclassy,if that’s even a word,so I brushed the question off and continued.
    Suddenly I realised it had been 50 minutes so said
    “I have some bad news xxxx,I have to leave you soon so how about we get you satisfied before I go”
    he seemed eager and so we realy got into things, an hour and twenty minutes later he still had not come and I said that I had to leave.
    After this he got nasty
    “ive never come across a brasser that couldn’t make a fella come”
    “I don’t think being a brasser is your calling love”
    “you’re the first girl that’s never made me come”
    now the insults got worse than this but we are all far too intelligent on here to be so degraded as to have to read them.
    I quickly put on my clothes and went to leave to which he said
    “I want me fxxxxn money back”
    I was so upset by this regulars behaviour I actually apologised to him and offered him a discount for the next time!!!!
    I was so shocked by his behaviour that I didn’t know what to do and for a while i actually did think it was my fault.
    Yes he is not a nice person I know that now but I am flabbergasted as to how someone who was always an absolute pleasure to be with can turn so quickly.
    I used to get excited when I knew an appointment with him would be coming up and now …..well lets just say he is now a bad on my phone.

    My question is,does drink make people do a 360 as regards their character as much as it did to this client.
    I have never had good experiences with drink or with people who drink and so only occasionaly drink myself but I am really starting to feel that it is the devils syrup.

    Phew that was a lot of typing my little fingers are sore,sorry for this rant but just had to ask the question.

    Onto a new and hopefully better day


  2. #2
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    Default Nasty...

    Hey Pet -

    So sorry that you had this bad experience. We can never know what is going on in people's head - or what has been going on for them before they walk in our door. But one thing I do know: nobody is ever a better person after drinking...seems like this guy is no exception.

    I cannot possibly know what it is like to work as an escort, but I think all workers should avoid dealing with clients who have been drinking.

    Hope tomorrow is a better day, sweetie

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    Quote Originally Posted by piggi View Post
    Hey Pet -

    So sorry that you had this bad experience. We can never know what is going on in people's head - or what has been going on for them before they walk in our door. But one thing I do know: nobody is ever a better person after drinking...seems like this guy is no exception.

    I cannot possibly know what it is like to work as an escort, but I think all workers should avoid dealing with clients who have been drinking.

    Hope tomorrow is a better day, sweetie

    thanks piggi,

    yes usually i dont take appointments with people i feel have had drink but as he was a regular i thought it would be ok,never again though and yes i have positive feelings that tomorrow will be better.


  4. #4
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    Hi Aelis,

    Hope you are feeling a bit better now. Sounds like a night you will want to forget quickly.

    It reminds me of a guy I used to work with. Salt of the Earth, intelligent, great worker and totally trustworthy.

    But when pissed, a dangerous man indeed. I wouldn't have believed your story unles I'd seen something similar with my own eyes. So yes alcohol can turn Dr Jekyll into Mr Hyde.

    Is it any wonder most escorts wont go near a guy if he's had a few.

    If he is the man you thought he was I do hope he has the decency to call you and apologise. The scary thing is that he may have no recollection of the whole thing.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by alechoran View Post
    Hi Aelis,

    Hope you are feeling a bit better now. Sounds like a night you will want to forget quickly.

    It reminds me of a guy I used to work with. Salt of the Earth, intelligent, great worker and totally trustworthy.

    But when pissed, a dangerous man indeed. I wouldn't have believed your story unles I'd seen something similar with my own eyes. So yes alcohol can turn Dr Jekyll into Mr Hyde.

    Is it any wonder most escorts wont go near a guy if he's had a few.

    If he is the man you thought he was I do hope he has the decency to call you and apologise. The scary thing is that he may have no recollection of the whole thing.

    he is an extremely proud man and i think an apology is something i will be waiting quite some time for but o well.
    thanks for the good wishes.

    im glad that other people have experienced this 360 turn as now i know in the future that no matter how well you know a person when drink is involved dont trust them


  6. #6
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    Default Sorry to hear about this Aeilis.........

    As I'm sure you know it's prob not best to see punters with a few down, but I'm sure with a regular you thought it would be ok.......

    It just goes to show you never know. Although he may appear successful and proud and everything you really never know what's going on in the back ground....... everyone has their story and secrets and sometimes things get the better of people, and with a few drinks thrown in, anything can happen....

    Anyway, I hope you're ok and feeling better now.........

    I get all lovey when I'm drunk..........
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by luther View Post
    As I'm sure you know it's prob not best to see punters with a few down, but I'm sure with a regular you thought it would be ok.......

    It just goes to show you never know. Although he may appear successful and proud and everything you really never know what's going on in the back ground....... everyone has their story and secrets and sometimes things get the better of people, and with a few drinks thrown in, anything can happen....

    Anyway, I hope you're ok and feeling better now.........

    I get all lovey when I'm drunk..........

    thanks luther
    ya im much better, already my day has been made good by a much nicer regular


  8. #8
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    Drink does change people's character completely. You can get the nicest quietest person and they have a few drinks too many they turn into psychopaths. I can identify with yours and Alecs story as I've come across people like that too. He mightn't be a bad person when sober but when he drinks he sounds to be a different person altogether. Like Alec said he mightn't remember a thing about it. If he does remember I hope he does the decent thing and apologise for his behaviour. It would be very hard though for you to see him again now that you realise what he can be like under the influence. I think you learned a lesson here never to see a client whose drunk even though he is a regular.
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    I have a friend who is a really nice bloke when he is sober but the alcohol makes him act really aggressive.

    By the way, why offer a discount to someone who has paid for 30mins and stays for over two hours? It can't be your fault if he can't cum. And what about the other clients you were due to meet?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Forrest View Post
    I have a friend who is a really nice bloke when he is sober but the alcohol makes him act really aggressive.

    By the way, why offer a discount to someone who has paid for 30mins and stays for over two hours? It can't be your fault if he can't cum. And what about the other clients you were due to meet?

    yes it meant i was late for other appointments but as he didnt come i made the decison to stay for an extra bit of time to try and satisfy him when really i should have upped and left.i take pride in what i do and am not a clock watcher but this really took the biscuit i should have just left but o well i'll no for next time.
    as for the discount ,at the time i felt like maybe i hadnt performed as well as i should have and so felt bad but now i realise it was all the drink that probably made his climax impossible.


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