The short answer is yes it will impact sensation, especially if you enjoy a good blow job.

I had to get it done for medical reasons. I was very badly injured and the docs wanted to put a camera up inside me in a hurry because I had internal bleeding. I had to go back for a second operation to have it fixed because they left painful scar tissue behind from the first surgery. They were not that bothered about cosmetics at the time because they thought I was bleeding out inside.

My honest opinion no one should get circumcised by choice. There is a big loss of feeling because the nerve endings on the skin that covers the tip of penis is gone. There is a massive load of nerve ending packed into the foreskin and they are there for a reason!

I had no choice, when I woke up my little best friend had been mutilated! The first time I had to pee it was like peeing razor blades and I felt that someone bad driven a double decked bus up my penis because of all the stuff they put up there while they were working on me on the operating table. Don't do it mate!