But this is how the World economies work now. Most countries consume, not produce,, generating debt that is sold to China because it's the only country that produces anything, and has money.

And local industries are a thing of the past-they were sold off and discouraged when you joined the EU-think of France's Auto industry, it's ruined and now the French are getting stink for wantng to repair it-PROTECTIONALISM IS A FOUR-LETTER WORD IN Brussells

Western countries don't have national resources, and there's a reason why property pages sprung-up in newspapers after the last western country took itself off of the Gold standard-property was the new Gold. Why do you think England didn't convert it's currency to the Euro-the Pound was pegged to English property values or vice-versea.

What went on during the Celtic Tiger was and will be the biggest swindle you've seen, but it was a necessary evil, that should have properly be managed, but was not. There was some benefits such as costly infrastucture , Health, and School, sure people will say money weren't spent on those things, but it was. Now ask yourselft where did the money come from>-loans/debt and where will the money come from again, debt/loans

Greece just unveiled a new muesum paying tribute to the old Patheon, and why was the old Patheon created? a PUBLIC WORK-get the public working and that's why most of the Wonders of World were created for-PUBLIC WORKS, and hopefully once credit is avaiable again, new PUBLIC WORKS can began to get the Public Working again. It's older than time itself