Not really, but i thought that would get attention, i wanted to share a story that happened over the weekend, i had kinda planned to see a new escort in Dublin, but i got a few pints into me and headed to the Electric picnic, upon my return on saturday i was very horny, thought about contacting the previous days escort but i think she was a bit put off, understandable..

Anyhow, into a the battle cruiser for a few pints and after an hour or so i rang another girl, she's a mad one, told the lads i'm going off for a bit, hopped in a Joe Maxi on the top of Grafton Street (its like the Carlsberg advert up there, made sure that i got a black fella, just to piss the rest of them off-ah the little things ) 10 minutes later i'm met by my favourite escort, all lingerie, boobs bursting out and an arse you could rest a pint on !, i won't go on, ye get the picture, we are on the bed, i can only stay 30 minutes, the match is on in 3 hours and i want to get a good seat at the bar, its a double bed, and for some reason we are on the left of it, her on top, grinding like a puma in heat, it starts to speed up, friskier and faster, her hand is on the edge of the bed, just as i get to my big moment, Wham, her hand fucking slips and she thumps her noggin off mine, she rolls onto the floor and me onto the other side of the bed, hurt like a bitch but i took it like a man...not.
We got some ice from the freezer, not the type of swelling i had planned,and sorted it out and laughed that awkward laugh, you know the one... got back to the pub and of course ordered a pint, "what the fuck happened your head" came the shout, ah jaysus if you think i'm bad you should see the other fella, the boys had a great laugh and i have a whopper of a bruise over my eye.

Be warned, get into the centre of the bed or you could get headbutted