Quote Originally Posted by Smarty View Post
The age of consent in Ireland is 17 like it or lump it.
Anyone saying different is spreading misinformation.
The guy asked for someone 17 + don't see anything wrong there as it is a legal request.

18 mainly stems fron the USA where 18 is the legal age.
Then why does the E-I search option start at 18 and why have I not seen even ONE Escort here with an age of 17 on her or his profile?

Quote Originally Posted by Smarty View Post
Personally Quaterpounder I find your reply above offensive to a lot of paying punters who use this site.
I myself like girls from 18-25, I'm 40 plus does that make me a perv ?
You state between 18 and 25 I am referring to mature men who see exclusively very young girls of 18 or 19. If you find my opinion offensive then nothing I can do about that but is my opinion and entitled to it.

Quote Originally Posted by Smarty View Post
You have declared on occasion that you never have been with an escort, Perhaps your above reply stems from a personal phobia from your own past and nothing to do with the lrgal fact
Psycho babble like that to someone you don't know has no effect on me and I fail to see how my concerns as to the motives of such men or indeed Women who would see a male Escort of that age as a phobia and if it is its one I am happy to have and surely any right minded person would see something suspect in any grown man of 30 40 or more seeing and seeking exclusively or mostly young girls. There is no need to be so defensive as I was referring to a select group who would see only or mostly this age bracket. If you took umbrage or offense then that's not for my conscience to wrestle with but your own.