Quote Originally Posted by Elle of Edinburgh View Post
I agree with miss x on this issue and my reasons for this are as follows
If a client has already gave a "review" either good, bad or n/a then it should remain at that unless it is different from the previous meeting. for instance say i have a good review from client A and he meets me again and finds a drastic loss of form then he can place a negative without cause as its different from his last meeting. To leave another positive and fill up his quota of 3 same "good" reviews just makes a mockery of the whole level playing field as it stands.
Now lets say client A thinks i'm better than last time then why not just remove his first good review and add his latest and newest one. Escorts have favourite clients and vice versa theres absolutly nothing wrong with that but what i do have a problem with is after there first review they could quite easily add another 2 reviews having not even seen her !

Elle x
totally agree elle,

but i lost the vote sorry
