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Thread: Should ladies be allowed opt out

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Default Should ladies be allowed opt out

    There has been couple of threads lately on this subject but hopefully with a poll it be somewhat definative for Patricia whatever the result maybe.

    There a pros and cons on both sides of the argument. I remember an escort many years ago making valid reasons for opting out (pls come back alexi d)

    Then you have reviewers pming me saying they write a bad review of an escort and they opt out straight away.

    From the ladies point of view , i know they are people out there writing false and damaging reviews but i will endeavour to sort these once i am notified of but please note no reviews will be deleted at the request of client or escort.

    There will be notes placed on it and ratted if needs be.

    Hopefully this will the final discussion on matter and patricia can sort if finally one way or the other.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Blog Entries

    Default I voted yes

    i think that an escort should be entitled to opt out if she wants or maybe have a review with no descriptions so all the boxes are still ticked except the general text isnt in it.

    Some girls just dont like that stuff and may opt out for that alone.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008



    interesting poll....
    if I vote my answer will be yes!
    I try to do my best all the time avoid bad review but there are many girls coming for just a week or so maybe they dont have the clue about the review system.....anyway I have a friend she got a bad one and after that her phone she opted out of the system....I understand her oppinion!!
    But I think for me it wont work as I stay here long term....
    We are indepentent girls we can deceide our favourites rates everything so it wont be fair.....

    the fake reviewers are so annoying but I belive NBT works hard....Hmmmm hopefully he works hard!!!!
    "The problem with marriage is that it ends every night after making love, and it must be rebuilt every morning before breakfast."/GGM/

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Thumbs up reviews

    i understand why SOME girls opt out ov the review system as maybe they find it degrading to read what happened behind closed doors, like if i go to see an escort what happens between me and herself stays between us, may be some lads get a horn or a kick out ov reading what happens and sit there wankin, but not for me, so may be there could be a way were the boxes ov the favorites can be ticked but dont go into details as its not fair on the girls, yes there providing a service but they also need to be respected.

    then you have the other side girls who opt out because they have something to hide, and i think if you are on this site long enough then you get to no who is genuine and whos not and to stay away. this is just my opinion!!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008


    I think it's not fair either on the genuine punter. I just noticed 2 escorts I reviewed opted out of the review system so therefore 2 reviews I submitted no longer exist.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Question bottled out!!!!

    same as myself, reviewed a girl last week, said in the review as it happened and now opted out, so i dont mind loseing the review, just pisses me off they can opt out, change there names and start again, with the shit service they provide, if they opt for the review system then there should be a time limit they stay in it for, whether 6 months or a year, good or bad reviews, what do you say ladys if you provide a genuine service and put the effort in then you have nothing to loose!!!!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Default voted no but then had a think about it

    i think they should be allowed opt out but like he who dares wins suggested after a certain time( 3/6/9 months)or only if they have received 3/5/9 reviews (either good or bad) ,but when they do opt out any reviews received stay visible on their profile even through name changes
    "A lot of football success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are. In my time at Liverpool we always said we had the best two teams on Merseyside, Liverpool and Liverpool Reserves."

    Bill Shankly

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
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    I think they should be allowed to opt out at the start if they chose. Reviews can work in their favour too but, as they pay for the ad, it should be their choice. If punters decide not to visit ladies that opt out of the review system then its the girls loss.
    However, if they decide to opt out after a bad review(s) all reviews prior to their decision to opt out should not be removed unless they can provide a solid rebuttal of the bad review(s).

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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    To be honest the poll is too black and white

    Should a girl be able to opt out YES should she be able to walk away from reviews up to that point good or bad NO.

    The stupid thing is that NBT rightly says no reviews will be deleted but the truth is that when the girl opts out she effectively deletes the reviews as they are no longer visible.

    The current system is the worst of both worlds in that it lumps all the escorts who opt out for whatever reason into the same pot none of their previous reviews good or bad are available. I understand the argument that the girl could rack up a number of positives and then opt out and let her service slide knowing no new reviews can be added but the girls profile can be marked that she is not currently accepting reviews then it is up to the punter to decide whether he wants to take the chance at least he knows she was offering a good service up to when she opted out of the reviews.
    The current system only benefits those that want to hide bad reviews.
    Its the Crips and the Bloods all over again

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Default Opt-out and disappearing reviews

    I've got to say that yes, it should be the right of each girl to choose to either participate or opt-out of the review system. Even if those reasons are selfish or to get rid of bad or ratted reviews, they should be able to do so.

    Remember that E-I already has measures in place to discourage them from opting-out, in that those who choose to not allow reviews are also not allowed to have their pics show as "Verified" on their profiles, and I'm sure that for most, this is an adequate measure to keep most of them to continue allowing reviews. If most other punters are like myself in this regard, I don't even give a girl without Verified pics and at least 1 or 2 at least decent reviews any consideration: No Verified pics and no reviews allowed? I'll gladly take my business elsewhere! I'd bet that most of these girls who opt-out of the system probably see an almost immediate drop-off in their business; no way to really verify that, but I'd bet that's the way it goes for them!

    And I've got to agree with the issues raised by Highwayman and He Who Dares wins; it's annoying and frustrating to have a girl you reviewed, even if you gave her a good review, to opt-out. But it's even worse to see them amass a few bad reviews (or is some cases as little as one) and then opt-out, start a new profile and name to get rid of them, and they're allowed to go on as if their old i.d. never existed. I hate to see reviews I submitted disappear from my own reviews page!

    As an at least partial solution, as there might not be any definate way to remedy the situation completely, I would suggest that when an escort opts-out of the system, that instead of the reviews (whether good or bad) disappearing from both the escort's profile review page as well as from the punter's, that the reviews of those escorts at least REMAIN on the punters profile. So while the review of an escort who has opted-out of the system, whether any reviews that she had were good or bad, will no longer be accessible from her ad page, they will STAY on the submitted reviews page of the punter that submitted it. This way, the escort won't have any reviews of her on her own page, but any reviews given of her BEFORE she opted-out will still be readable on the punter's review list. This will allow anyone who really wants to do some digging to see what was said about certain escorts who opted-out of the system BEFORE they did so.

    I know that many punter's P.M. each other to ask if an escort's service was good, or if they recommend them, so allowing submitted reviews to at least stay on the punter's page even if an escort opts-out might be a solution. Let me know what you think lads; is this possible, nine by three?

    Cable 87

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