Businesses are already predicting that this could have a very bad effect on them. If the situation gets worse as health organisations predict it will, they feel that people will be more and more afraid to go out and come into contact with other people unnecessarily so as to lower the chances of themselves contracting it........

People may start to avoid crowded places, pubs, clubs, shopping centres, cinemas, theatres..........

The return of the school term will be a bit of an indication...................

The government are up the creek on this one and are really afraid of getting it wrong, if they tell people to go about their day as normal and it turns out to be spreading and people are getting infected they'll be shafted for telling people everything was ok. If they tell them to avoid public places and cause a panic they'll be shafted too..........

Every cloud has a silver lining..........

Something else we can blame on the government.............