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Thread: Swine Flu

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
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    Default Yep

    Quote Originally Posted by ber View Post
    Another mass hysteria about nothing,its only a fecking cold jesus people need to grow up,prob
    is they have their own immune systems shot from medicating for every small thing,i havent
    taken an antibiotic in over 25 years get a cold just carry on get over it, most things just take plenty fluids have an early night keep warm and stop feeling so fucking sorry for ureself. If a kid sniffles
    nowdays its off to the doctor for supplements and antibiotics,just put him out let him play outside
    acclimatise not inside with a playystation in a house with the heat turned up that u could grow
    tomatoes. Same thing u go into any shop ,bank public building etc the blast of heat when u go in
    nearly put u sitting on ure arse,then they go outside and all u hear about is its so cold and its
    actually perfectly fine but they have been in a sauna all day and that aint healthy. II work outdoors alot and i get soaked am out when its freezing and i dont get colds etc only very seldom and
    i attribute itto ure body adapting to u circumstances so treat it like a prima donna and it will
    become one
    i rarely if ever get sick and when i was young i rolled around in muck,sand,you name it.I rarely use an umbrella and simply dry my hair and change clothers if i get soaked.I also use an ice bath about four times per week and by the time the winter cold hits i pretty much desensetised to it.Nowadays these ppl are being reared up with no immuinity.

    A fart would kill them,

    PS whats the temp for tomatoes ber?

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    35,000 people die from "Normal " flu each year in the US alone.

    This is just a media hyped pandemic.

  3. #13
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    Default Only a dose of reality can cure Ignorance.

  4. #14
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    Default Yes........

    Quote Originally Posted by feargal View Post
    I agree with most of the posters. This swine flue panic is over publicised, the media and the W.H.O. have a lot to answer for
    But the thing is, if it was under publicised they would have a lot more to answer for...............
    "It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them."

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    With all the people who will be off work and not able to shop it will have an effect on the economy. Then again it can be yet another excuse for them to use for a further downturn.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
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  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2008


    I was in Mexico when the whole swine flu started...been in Cancun which is 800km far from Mex City...i heared about it from the internet but not from the local TV or newspapers..just a week later when Mexico City was closed!
    Wasnt a big deal around Yucatan peninsula...I was flyn through Chichago to Dublin without any controll or problem...

    Things works different in South America or the US than in Europe.....
    I dont think so this flu is worse than a normal one!but this is just my oppinion....
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