Quick one,

im not sure how to start a poll as Im not great with the tech stuff, but I have two main vices and both bother me a tad and both are expensive

I am looking for advice pls on which to drop

I am quite well motivated so I hope I can

Its drink or escorting

Drink has many pro's .. Great craic, lose your worries, can sore a lady without paying for it!

Drink has many cons, hangovers, hangovers, hangovers, stupid behaviour, affects your health, make a tit of yourself often.

Escorting has many pro's.. gorgeous ladies, deeply held fantasies acted out, great action

Escorting has many cons, cost, danger, hassle, guilt, law breaking (grey law I know!)

I dont and wont keep up both (too much for me as I get older and the cash side too!)

Can anyone advise?

Anyone ever in similar boat?

S Talker