Had an experience this week that freaked me out and wanted to post to see what the reaction is and whether or not I over-reacted. Made an appointment with an escort and was directed to a street in Waterford which all local punters will know (just off quay, very near the bridge, next to Fitzwilton hotel. Not sure if I'm allowed name the street but if you know Waterford it's easy to guess).

When I got to the street I was directed to a building I have been in several times before and the exact same apartment I have been in numerous times with different escorts. Just as we were about to get down to business there was a bang at the door. We ignored it and then there was repeated aggressive banging on the door followed by the voice of an Irish woman demanding that the door be opened. The escort, who didn't have a word of English was trying to keep me calm (I was freaking out) whilst phoning several numbers on her phone, none of whom answered. She eventually left voice messages in her own language to someone. By this stage the banging on the door had stopped and the woman appeared to have left.

I wanted to high-tail it out of there but was scared that whoever was banging on the door was still around. Against my better judgement I stayed, carried through with the appointment (with zero pleasure) and left after 20 minutes or so. There was no-one around when I left and the escort didn't seem particularly worried at any stage, although she may have been putting on a brave face for my benefit. The appointment was in the middle of the day.

I'm still not sure what happened, my guess is it was another resident in the building who was aware of what was going. Given that as I've said this particular apartment seems to be in use constantly with a different escort every week, it seems to me that it would be hard for the other residents not to be aware of what is going on, but who knows, people tend to live their own lives and not pay attention to what's going on around them as long as they are not disturbed.

What I am sure of is that I won't be frequenting this street and this building and apartment again. Problem is this street seems to be where all the action is at these days in Waterford. I would say that of my last 10 punts in Waterford, maybe 8 have been in this street and 6 or 7 in the same apartment, all with different escorts. Am I over reacting or is this something to worry about?