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Thread: 19 looking for work

  1. #71
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Mia View Post
    Posted by Dogithabone: ''it would be great to think that girls became escorts because of some kind of vocation or strong personality but this is never the case. I doubt if there is a single escort out there who has not come out of a bad relationship with a father, a boyfriend or some other abusive encounter. Something has happened in the girls life to reduce her self-value and self-respect. Most women might consider shagging Robert Redford if there was €1m on offer but being fucked by the great unwashed at a €100 a time is a totally different matter. I think that "dysfunctionality" is not an unreasonable term.
    However the important thing is that escorts recognise the damage that has been done to them by past relationships and plan a way forward to a healthy future where they can support themselves without escorting and fully value and respect themselves as individuals.
    I know that I must sound like some religious fruitcake but nothing could be further from the truth. It is because I enjoy so much the company of these girls as individuals and not just bodies, that I am sensitive to the pain inside them.''


    'this is never the case', how on earth can you so sweepingly claim this? what research have you done to claim this as a fact? do you have surveys statistics, questionarres to back this up? did you do a teleresearch campaign on the issue? or is it just your opinion, which doesnt count for much after i read the rest of your utterly patronizing and infuriating post.

    Nothing abusive has ever happened to me. I am completely in charge of every appointment and know exactly what i am doing. i am not a victim. i have an EXTREMELY high level of self respect and how dare you suggest oherwise. i am NOT dysfunctional in the least and have a happy healthy life with many ambitions, plans and adventures. i have a loving family, have plenty of money, (not just through escorting; in my family). I dont depend on escorting as a full time career, but there is absolutely no problem with those who do. I have UTMOST respect for the other girls ive talked to on thiss site. NOT ONE OF THEM have been anything but bubbly friendly funny and clever girls.

    I have three qualifications including four year degree, i can speak three languages, i have had three boyfriends, all of whom were amazing wonderful spiritual people. i am a skilled writer and musician. my father is the best father in the world, i would be lost without him. my mother the same. I enjoy most of my appointments, i get on well with people as i am so friendly open minded and kind. The clients i have a problem with (has only happened twice in three/four years of escorting) i simply tell them i want to leave, and i go. i have security that waits for me on long outcalls, I have never had to use his services, ever. I enjoy my time with my clients, and look forward to seeing my regulars, of which there are four.

    Despite all you say, you use escorts regularly, you fucking hypocrite. you are 'sensitive to the pain inside them'. JESUS, give me a fucking break, please, you know NOTHING about ANYBODIES pain my dear, nothing. what do you do, give them a cup of tea, ask them about their personal problems with men (which no doubt led them to a dissolution of their self esteem and then to the 'seedy' world of escorting) and then fuck them senseless anyway? are you for real?
    get yourself a wife (and a life) and stop asserting yourself as being somehow in the know, as you are only showing yourself to be a pompous twat.

    You dont sound in any way like a religious nutjob. you sound like a powertripping, egotistical, chauvanistic man with a severe problem in your relations with women. If you feel so bad for us in our victimhood kindly remove your dick from our pussies and DO something about it then! but dont be a sad old man hypocrite and fuck us while telling us how dysfunctional we are. I think you may be the one with the problem, the dysfunctional problem, rather than me. i KNOW there is nothing wrong with me, i love myself and my life, and i get that vibe from all the other girls ive spoken to. if i dont approve of something, i generally dont use that product or service. You sound like someone who takes pleasure in having power, and being the 'bettter person'.

    I dont usually take part in random conversations here but your post just infuriated me.
    also Robert Redford....?!!!! How old are you??!!

    I am sorry that I have annoyed you. It is not my intention to annoy anyone. However, I have to say that I am amazed by your story. You come from a happy family, with all these languages and degrees, yet you pursue a career in escorting??? Why? Would I be right in guessing that your family and boyfriends do not fully support you in your chosen career? Do they even know about it? In some ways yours is probably one of the most dysfunctional stories that I have come across. I would love to meet you. I like to live dangerously!!
    Yes, I am very old and dysfunctional myself. I would never consider myself better than anyone but I have been luckier than most. I should never have said "never" as there are exceopions, usually where a woman is supporting a child or a habit.

  2. #72
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by adogwithabone View Post
    I am sorry that I have annoyed you. It is not my intention to annoy anyone. However, I have to say that I am amazed by your story. You come from a happy family, with all these languages and degrees, yet you pursue a career in escorting??? Why? Would I be right in guessing that your family and boyfriends do not fully support you in your chosen career? Do they even know about it? In some ways yours is probably one of the most dysfunctional stories that I have come across. I would love to meet you. I like to live dangerously!!
    Yes, I am very old and dysfunctional myself. I would never consider myself better than anyone but I have been luckier than most. I should never have said "never" as there are exceopions, usually where a woman is supporting a child or a habit.

    I think a good reason for working as an escort is the money. You can earn more in working a full day day in escorting than you would earn in a month working eslewhere. Two you can pick your own hours an not anwser to anyone.

    Not all escorts are damaged goods who only get into it because they have issues
    Join the E-I Fantasy Football League

  3. #73
    Join Date
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    Default Oh brother............... so close...........

    Quote Originally Posted by adogwithabone View Post
    I like to live dangerously!!
    You bloody must mate.......

    Quote Originally Posted by adogwithabone View Post
    I should never have said "never" as there are exceopions
    Out of the frying pan..........

    Quote Originally Posted by adogwithabone View Post
    where a woman is supporting a child or a habit.
    Into the fire..........

    I'll give you one thing........... you're living up to your name............
    "It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them."

  4. #74
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    i already said this isnt my 'chosen career'. i do it part time. 60% the money 40% enjoyment. i have one degree. i think you should re read my post and THEN quote from it.

    you dont know me.
    i am not dysfunctional and again, how dare you even suggest such a thing.
    i am PROOF that you dont have to be fucked up to be an escort. you are wasting my time, and everyone elses time with your outlandish comments, claims, and your general attitude. god i wish i never got into this you are so presuming.

    'usually when a woman is supporting a child or a habit' ....!

    i am an escort because it earns me lots of short term money, i also find it interesting and enjoyable 90% of the time.

    Can i ask you a question? why not be an escort? why are you so judgemental?


    sad man.

  5. #75
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    also i havent met one 'dysfunctional' escort in my four years of being one...? has anyone else?
    im sure there's a few but i havent met one in all that time, which must say something. (quite a lot actualy). ive met a couple of dysfunctional clients though.

    just wondering what the ratio is of fucked up/non fucked up escorts.

    also, can i ask what business it is of yours the backround to any girl?
    how on earth has it got anything to do with your horny little hour with her?
    i have a feeling it is this which gets you off more than the sex.

    Oh and id love to meet you! but id be charging double and i dont think you'd really enjoy the session. i dont think you'd survive me breathing near you, let alone anything else i'd do to you..

  6. #76
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    Mia, his view id the view that the media portray, as time filler. "Escorting to fund their drug habit" etc..

    YES, it probably does happen, but THOSE escorts are NOT here on the forum. Those that are, have plans and escorting is just a route to make some money to make those plans/dreams come true.


    ONE -

    get a job at burger king, earn minimum wage, clean up peuk, listening to "can I see the manager, my burger twitched" etc etc...


    TWO -

    Do a few hours a week as an escort, blow the minds of the men u meet, hopefully have great sex, "maybe" make a few short or even sometimes long term friends and get PAID to do it and save that money for whatever u have in mind, educartyion, property investment etc....


  7. #77
    Join Date
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    hee hee hee 'my burger twitched'.....hehe

  8. #78
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    Hey, stop the laughin you guys......... there's nothing wrong with workin in Burger King..........

    I had my saugage twitched there last week...............
    "It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them."

  9. #79
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by luther View Post
    Hey, stop the laughin you guys......... there's nothing wrong with workin in Burger King..........

    I had my saugage twitched there last week...............
    Your sausage? Is that what u call it now? And women, well that have "flowers". And we put our sausages in them.

    Sex education 101.


  10. #80
    Join Date
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    Well I could call it the whopper, but that might cause some confusion there............

    Since it's not a whopper...................
    "It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them."

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