Quote Originally Posted by TheHappyPenguin View Post
That's never once worked out for me. I've tried it several times when I frst started, but I've never once had a girl actually follow through and consider it a valid booking. They have always told me the next day that they're suddenly busy or just don't answer their phone (the most frsutrating thing of all). So now I always book just a few hours before and it works every time. I'd never try a day before booking again. It's literally failed me 7 or 8 times in a row, whereas a few hours has resulted in a non event only once.
When did you start? Professional escorts are usually reliable. If you get a bit of a rapport with an escort you're in a better position. I hate this shit of calling an escort to meet in an hour. Organisation is best. I've had loads of let downs and mornings are unreliable, but communication is key. If a girl lets me down once she's struck off.