Strange that article - It is out and out condemnation rather than an attempt to analyse the issue.

I have no problem with her attitude towards escorting its just that its like it was written for a catholic magazine like 'Awake' that surprises me.

When you consider that escorting is legal in nations like holland/germany/switz/austria and new zealand one wonders what their take would be on something like this in their press ?

would it be written in a similar fashion ?

i dont like the way she describes my bizarre gay/lesbian arguement. Disagree by all means but when arguing a point you -in a proper debate- attempt to show a contrasting postion or attempt to show the opposing arguement as false.(Jeez lads that Galileo position on astronomy is bizarre!)

Having said that I suppose that I am biased.

Maybe her boss wanted her to write a poor article eh? Maybe he's on our side.