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Thread: Will lisbon go through this time?

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by doozer121 View Post
    And of course another reason of course is becuase that idiot French president insists that we must vote again, .
    a Frenchman can control our rights as voters.

    Our gov have nothing between their legs when it comes to Europe.Remember that guy who vandalised a car in the East somewhere years ago.I think it was Malayisa.He was an American and he was found guilty and sentecned to be lashed.There was uproar in America and the americans demanded the punishment to be withdrwn.They were told to fuck off.

    Well thats pretty much what we need to do with Europe.

    And the Irish are lovely ppl,yeah thats just to fuck us more,

  2. #22
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    No it won't go through this time either. Why can't they accept that the people voted no twice before. Why should voters do the government a favour when their making so many cut backs. I can't see the farmers who had the reps scheme abolished, the carers with the cut on their hours and people on social welfare with cuts to come voting yes to this treaty. What's in it for all them?
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  3. #23
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    Default lisbon

    well i think more people will vote yes,because of the shite the government are spewing
    i personally will still vote no
    well if we were told exactly the facts of what lisbon is and what it will do,
    we could all make a better judgement.will it leave us far behind in europe humm i dont know?
    its better to burn out than to fade away

  4. #24
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    Even though I am probably one of the few ultra-pro Europeans here i.e. an adherant of Mikhail Gorbachov's vision of the common European homeland from the Atlantic to the Urals, and our Greco-Roman, Judeo-Christian, liberal social-market economic sytem, civilisation and values within a united European framework, I voted no on the last occasion just to stick it to Fianna Fail up the ass.

    On this occasion, I am still undecided, but leaning towards a yes. However, I'm not too sure if it's going to make a blind bit of difference anymore. I firmly believe that Fianna Fail and their associates, the developers and bankers have f***ed the country to such an extent, that it now only remains for the self-serving me-fein public sector workers and their trade union leaders to finally milk the poor old cow, Caitlin Ni hUallachain dry. The government finds itself between a rock and a hard place......they have to introduce a number of severe budgets to keep the ECB and IMF on side and yet the cutbacks that are necessary will cause industrial upheaval, all the while the private sector will haemorrhage jobs and these wont be replaced, because who in their right minds would invest in a place which is grossly uncompetitive in terms of labour and transaction/ancillary costs, where the social partners are at war with one another, and which is run by complete incompetents.

    At some stage in the not too distant future, this country is going to loose its economic independence, and at this point is will just be a question of who is going to call the shots from then on. Our political independence wont mean a whole lot either, more in name than reality and it's just a question of which wagon we attach our lame horse to. We could reapply to join the UK, but I think the crowd in Westminster have enough problems of their own and would be loath to take us back. The crowd across the pond might consider the 51st "Green State".....after all they took the Puerto Ricans under their wing, and we have an advantage over them.....we at least speak English. The final alternative is the EU. Whichever option is taken, we are going to be an inconsequential backwater with hugh problems to be dealth with. But given what the local gombeen gobshites have done to the state, the alternatives cant be any worse.

    The final choice is emigration......we did it before. Then we wont have to clean up the mess....those nice Poles and other Eastern Europeans together with the Western and Southern Europeans can be relied upon to make a go of it eventually.....after all, they managed to rebuild Europe after WWII.

  5. #25
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    what if its a draw ?

  6. #26
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    The same as if it's lost, we get to have a replay again. It's like Dublin v Meath a decade or so ago.

  7. #27
    cavanman Guest


    Has anyone read the document its only about 300pages with 100s of references to changes to different articles of the european union. I think its nuts how can u expect someone to vote on something that covers so many different topics and all u get to vote is yes or no. And they dont accept no.

    There are a few changes within it that I know about that I agree with but for most I think this treaty is way above most peoples head and that includes the Irish politicians. During the first vote I asked a local politian who was canvasing about some issues and apart from him saying I should vote yes he didnt know anything else about its content.

    I feel we and that includes our leaders are being bullied into ratifying this treaty of lisbon. We are being told how to vote and that to me is not democratic. So if we are being told how to vote will we be later also told how to live.

    Its still a big F***ing no from me and I dont care to be told what way I should vote by any politian..

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlos marvado View Post
    The same as if it's lost, we get to have a replay again. It's like Dublin v Meath a decade or so ago.
    That would be good - Now if we could just get a dust up in the dail it would be the perfect analogy

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  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by cavanman View Post
    Has anyone read the document its only about 300pages with 100s of references to changes to different articles of the european union. I think its nuts how can u expect someone to vote on something that covers so many different topics and all u get to vote is yes or no. And they dont accept no.

    There are a few changes within it that I know about that I agree with but for most I think this treaty is way above most peoples head and that includes the Irish politicians. During the first vote I asked a local politian who was canvasing about some issues and apart from him saying I should vote yes he didnt know anything else about its content.

    I feel we and that includes our leaders are being bullied into ratifying this treaty of lisbon. We are being told how to vote and that to me is not democratic. So if we are being told how to vote will we be later also told how to live.

    Its still a big F***ing no from me and I dont care to be told what way I should vote by any politian..
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  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by cavanman View Post
    There are a few changes within it that I know about that I agree with .
    if they had enough power to come along and have another referendum on Lisbon after it was rejected by the Irish ppl then they have enough power to come along and make amendments to those changes later if the treaty is passed.

    I cant believe that these idiots are even comtemplating having a referendum with so much to be done on the domestic front.Once again we are pleasing Europe.We have got f'all from Europe only cheap labour coming in and displacing Irish jobs.


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