Quote Originally Posted by experienced punter View Post
A lovely female friend of mine divorced from an abusive marriage 3 yrs ago, in brief she met a guy a year ago who completely controls her life she is not allowed a TV hes on the internet all the time(SHE MET HIM THERE) NEVER takes her out he makes NO effort All she wants is a simple life go out for coffee/ice cream for an hr. for a pint or for a walk I have met her secretly for 6months for an hr. here or there & she tells me her problems but is reluctant to go into detail there is no romance between us at all but she tells me she is so lonely in her life, the meetings with me ended when I found myself a gf(now ex-gf) now we meet again very regularly but I cant convince her to do anything about her present abusive r/ship Shes stressed to the point where she is now ill I am stressed too how would u approach this somedays I wish I never met her
Opinions welcome
Some people seem to always attract the wrong type. Your friend came out of an abusive relationship and entered into another one. She knows how it will end but is not prepared to do anything about it. She needs professional counselling first and foremost otherwise, when this relationship ends, she will start another one and be back in the same boat in a couple of years.

The alternative is that you have a romantic relationship with her, treat her right and live happily ever after. Good Luck with it anyway.