Quote Originally Posted by experienced punter View Post
Sound advice lads & ladies but I am now thinking of a way of getting out of this r/ship I've had enough shes ready to leave on Friday Saturday morning all fucking hunky dory with the cunt of a boyfriend again always the same
I always tell her I love her as a friend & will always be there for her but maybe I'm just convenience
my friend says she'll eventually end up with me! couldn't meet a nicer fella I need to get away from this situation I've had enough.....
but you be accussed of being an interefering person who sticks his nose into others bus.Thats very common.The fighting couple,a good samaritan hepls out,they make up and are back together and the good samaritan is a nosy fucker.Very common.

Like i said its up to her.she choose him and its up to her to deal with him.you just deal with your own life.Im not saying dont help ppl out but i am saying in an instance such as this one i wouldnt bother.

Its only you will end up with the losng end,