Quote Originally Posted by Lynne View Post
Contrary to popular belief, there are several reasons why a man would want to wax his bikini area. In fact, there are even heterosexual men out there actually paying money to get the (in) famous Brazilian wax! If you’re a normal, red-blooded male reading this, you’re probably wincing in pain, thinking to yourself, “Why, God, why?” If you’re a woman, you’ve probably got an evil grin on your face, thinking to yourself,” Payback time!” Apart from male athletes, who wax for speed reasons, some men just prefer the look. If you find yourself curious, read on… if you’re man enough!

Why Wax?

From a male perspective, waxing improves your muscle definition, which is great even if you’re a gym God or not. Pectoral muscles look more buff, the definition of your arms more noticeable, waxing can even give your abs that chiseled, Statue-of-David look. Men are also well known for their body hair, but not all men are adept at dealing with it. Waxing is great for smooth looking skin, and can control hairy areas, such as the arms or back for example.

It’s become a well known fact that men feel that shaving their pubic area makes their penises appear bigger. That is something most of the male population are interested in – also a well known fact. Shaving is one thing, in fact, men had the monopoly on shaving long before women did. But waxing?

It seems that some men, especially those who are so hairy they have to shave everyday just to look presentable wish to avoid ‘five o clock shadow’, and feel that waxing helps them stay smoother for a longer period of time. Athletes like swimmers, wrestlers, and even body builders remove all their body hair before competition. And, well, some men just prefer a smoother body and despise body hair just like women do.

If you are interested in waxing, follow these simple preparation steps to make your session easier:

As someone is going to be waxing a very sensitive area of your body, it is only fair that you make sure their experience is not as harrowing as yours will surely be. Waxers will appreciate this and return the favour, so shower beforehand. Do not use lotion before going to wax as dry skin is easier to wax.

This is one of those situations where it’s preferable to be hairy, so make sure your hair is at least 0.25 inches long – so it lies flat on the skin. So skip shaving for at least two weeks before your appointment. Ask any woman, bikini waxing does have irritation afterwards so make sure your clothes are a bit loose on your appointment day to prevent irritation afterwards. Also, as difficult as it may be, try to relax, as if your muscles are relaxed, your hair removal results will be vastly improved!

Guys, please ensure that your wax technician is licensed and regularly treats men, just to cover all your bases. After your treatment you should use a body scrub to get rid of and prevent ingrown hairs. Also, once you start waxing, you cannot do it just the one time, so use the scrub between treatments as well. If you get an after-wax burn, apply Vaseline on the affected area to soothe. After your wax you may be feeling pain, so keep some aspirin or any painkiller on hand to help you.

While the above tips are meant for Brazilian waxing, they can apply to any kind of waxing – men are increasingly getting into ‘male grooming’, realising that it doesn’t only mean combing your hair and making sure your socks match. Yes, there’s a whole world out there just waiting for you to explore, so don’t be afraid… get on your big boy pants and walk into that beauty salon with your head held high! After all, you’ve got nothing to lose… except for your hair!
I had a male brazilian wax done last week and have had it done in the past. Guys go for it the women love a smooth surface to touch and lick. It doesnt hurt at all