Quote Originally Posted by Myshadow View Post
It happens to us all, I reckon I've met 600 girls from this site in well over a decade and a big proportion of them were average at best with dozens absolutely awful..

A recent encounter was up there as one of the worst, the lady in question covered my bits with what could only be described as a rubber bag/pouch while trying to pleasure me!! 🤭🤭
After 5 minutes I had enough and got dressed.

And as I didn't have the correct payment, and she said she didn't have change, she made an extra 20 bucks from me.

Still, It doesn't put me off THAT much, well not enough to quit anyway, I suppose I'm fortunate in that iv a good paying career, i can afford to take a gamble every so often in the hope I strike gold.

Glad someone said it.

Nail on the head the same summary from myself.