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Thread: Escort Fans TOP performer October interview!

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    Love Escort Fans TOP performer October interview!

    TOP performer interview!


    Hello everybody!
    We are inaugurating a new section where we will be interviewing the TOP Performers of the Escort Fans platform!
    We will be sharing interviews with the big stars of Escort Fans!

    On this occasion, as the first guest and multiple winner, we are joined by...


    Savannah: We would love for the fans to get to know you a little better. So, what has Escort Fans meant for you as a content creator?

    Claudia: For me it has been everything. I’ve discovered a whole world in Escort Fans,something new that I love doing, something I enjoy…a new way of making a living.
    It has brought out something in me that I didn’t know I had, and I really enjoy this new professional facet.

    Savannah: That’s amazing. So, when you started with us, did you imagine what you would achieve?

    Claudia: I never imagined it… I started uploading some photos and videos I already had, but I didn’t take it seriously.
    Until one day, a client gave me permission to upload an intimate video we’ve made together before.
    Then I realized – I could make and upload that kind of content regularly! And from that moment on, I started to invest in material to get better quality videos and step-up my content.

    Savannah: How much time do you think you invest in promoting your profile?

    Claudia:I spend a lot of time on social media – almost all day long.
    But that’s what you have to do to make sure you create a fanbase and be successful. Let’s say I allow myself very few days off, here and there.
    But I have to – otherwise I am constantly on social networks or creating content for them and don’t devote any time to me.

    Savannah: Yeah, that sounds like a lot! But we always see new photos and videos from you! Do you schedule your content or… how do you usually organize yourself?

    Claudia: Yes, of course – it’s a job and I’m a professional. I schedule my posts on social networks, both Twitter and Instagram.
    I also do it with Escort Fans, I try to post at times and days that I think my fans will be able to see it and many are international, so its never easy.
    The key is to just make sure you post regularly; your fans know when to expect the content.

    Savannah: So, if you create so many different posts, what do you get your inspiration from? Don’t you feel stuck, or lost sometimes?

    Claudia:What inspires me? Hmmm… my own creativity, for sure.
    I’ve tried to get inspiration from other creators, but in the end, I always end up doing what I like and what comes naturally to me.
    We are content creators, which means that a lot of time is spent thinking about what we can do. Naturally, there are days when any situation that arises can inspire you and you can exploit it in your videos or photos.
    You never know what might give you a good idea!

    Savannah: When creating your videos, what do you think has been your biggest investment?

    Claudia:I have invested a lot of money in the profile. Not at the beginning, because little by little you are creating your brand, but nowadays I have invested a lot of money in a mobile phone, light ring, lingerie, logo.
    You have to give your fans something different, something they can’t find anywhere else. Changes of look, outfits. I always try to make my videos as high quality as possible and that costs money!

    Savannah: You have grown very fast on social networks, do you think that helps you to promote your profile?

    Claudia:Totally, it has been fundamental for the growth of my profile as well.
    But its also very important to include your Escort Fans profile and promote it in the directories where you advertise, tell your clients about your profile.
    That is the key to success when you start since they are clients who already know you or even want to meet you and before an appointment they can see your content to know you better.

    Savannah: What’s the weirdest thing a fan has ever asked you for?

    Claudia:Every time a fan subscribes on my profile I have a personal video call with them. On that call I try to wear whatever they ask me to wear: Ireland national team shirt, schoolgirl, etc.

    Savannah: Has anyone recognized you in the street after your interviews?

    Claudia:Yes, once! It was in Spain, to be honest, I didn’t expect it!

    Savannah: How do you think the fact that you have appeared in the press has influenced your fan base?

    Claudia:I think it has reinforced my image as a creator of content, more than a pornstar or something like that.
    I understand that when they don’t know what to find, they are afraid to invest in a profile, but I think the fact that the press has taken an interest in me consolidates my image for them.

    Savannah: Are the fans who have appeared in your videos surprised to learn about the work behind each video?

    Claudia:They think it’s simple! but in reality, there’s a montage of mobiles and light hoops!

    Savannah: Are you interested in shooting porn content for a production company or do you enjoy the amateur porn we can find in your profile?

    Claudia:No, I really enjoy what I do. I’m in control, I decide with whom and when. I am my company.

    Savannah: What do you think Escort Fans offers that no other platform offers?

    Claudia:It’s clear to me… Freedom. On Escort Fans you can upload all kinds of content, they support you and let you be yourself.
    They don’t ban your content for being explicit, they support you on social media, you can always call the team if you have any problems. I’ve tried other platforms and I’ll definitely stay here.”

    Savannah: We have seen that you have started to announce a featuring with Alexia Laurent (Cibertrans), what is it about?

    Claudia: We started working together on a new show, something new that Escort Fans hasn't done before. It's a kind of reality show for our fans and every week we will upload a new episode, we started yesterday!
    In each of our profiles you will find the movies.
    We perform all kinds of services and fetishes.
    We are both very professional and we want to offer quality content! It will be a very hot and naughty content.
    In addition, we will raffle a day with us so you can record with us! The raffle will be in your profile as well as in mine!

    Thank you very much Claudia, it has been a pleasure, as always!
    You know! Don't miss the opportunity to subscribe to her Escort Fans profile!

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