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Thread: Can anyone help with Escort Ireland submission to parliament?

  1. Default Can anyone help with Escort Ireland submission to parliament?

    Hi Guys
    I wonder if any of you can help me? I am trying to reconstruct the history of how Ireland came to adopt the Nordic model and how the whole parliamentary process was skewed in its favour by selective use of evidence.

    In the public hearings there was an obvious bias in the witnesses called to give evidence. There is obvious collusion in the witness evidence using a common briefing document as the same clusters of references re-occur in different supposedly independent submissions.

    There was again obvious bias in the consideration of the evidence itself in the June 2013 Report on the hearings file:///F:/p strategy/Ireland/1.part-1-final.pdf .
    The latter document was particularly interesting as it is possible to get the gist of the submissions that were not published and never considered in the witness list by looking and collating the submission number referred to in the text. This included a rather large number of submissions opposed to the Nordic model.

    I understand that “Escort Ireland” made a submission ( response to Irish Government public consultation process on the future direction of legislation on prostitution, August 2012, -the url which appears to be dead. Does anyone know where I can find a copy of their submission?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2017


    Sent u link in pm

    The 9/11 moon landings were an outside job

  3. #3


    No hope guys, it was the same for the abortion rigamarole.. apparently they couldn't even find a pro life Dr in the process despite Mattie MgGrath and others sourcing plenty..

  4. #4


    As a person who sees sex work as a profession like many here now and for the last 2 decades the call has been, "Legalise,
    Regulate, Tax.

  5. #5


    I enjoy visiting escorts but it shouldn't be legal really.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by thebestlaidplans View Post
    I enjoy visiting escorts but it shouldn't be legal really.
    That's not hypocritical... at all...

    Pray tell why it shouldn't be legal? Legalisation by regulation would be much safer for all sex workers, as well as allowing for them to work from the same premises without it being defined as a brothel and thus illegal: safety in numbers after all. Establishing a safer working environment and helping to try and reduce human trafficking as a result. Cos as it stands, being illegal doesn't make a blind bit of difference to either the safety of sex workers who do so of their own free will nor help to reduce human trafficking.

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