I have been quoted extra fees in the past for a number of services and have been happy to accept or decline depending on my preferences eg French Kissing, anal, OWO etc but today I was quoted £50 extra to preform oral on the lady - I declined. The first time that was ever quoted to me as an extra. Ever happened to anyone else?

Second thing - is the amount of catfishing on the increase? Since the start of this year there have been a number of profiles in NI with stunning looking pictures, all verified as well, but the reality is a good bit off the actual person you meet. Its the girl in the pictures but nowhere near as glam or hot looking. They are mostly from one region/country and all under 30 years of age. Its got to the stage now that if I see a girl advertising from the same region/country and I don't know her already I wont take the chance any more. Have I just been unlucky or has it been observed by anyone else?