Knitting, gardening, cooking, they're all taking over from sex........some scientists have predicted that male humans will become extinct after a few million years.....assuming we have'nt destroyed the planet long before then. Reproduction will be by genetically manufactured sperm artificially inseminated and the mother will be able to decide the physical characteristics of her all female offspring or even a clone of herself. The only physical sex will be of the lesbian variety.

The last few males who somehow managed to survive with a modicum of testosterone will subsist as outcasts in barren polluted wastelands at the periphery of civilisation. If the pollution does'nt do for them, they will be hunted down and forcibly feminised with oestrogen medication before the final phallussectomy.

Here's the science bit:

Birth Control Pill In Sewage Blamed For Sex-Change Fish

It's a kind of feminist plant of the apes......and we dont even have Charlton Heston around to save us any more.