Quote Originally Posted by Yummyasslicker View Post
Well I would'nt rim myself in a month of sundays so why should a poor unfortunate escort I may have just met for the first time? 😆 Anyway my silly name here is a giveaway & an advertisement to any escort who bothers to decipher it that my primary fetish is very much in their interest as far as recieving back door pleasure goes. Anyway, it's my considered opinion that if you're perineum is shaved nice & smooth and the escort is willing & able a good oral seeing to from her there (as her fingers busy themselves elsewhere down there) is one of the most sensual & erotic experiences a man can have with a woman & more than enough of a quid pro quo of any reverse rimming she recieves during the tyrst. Oh & the hygeine issue- it's only anecdotal but I've been rimming for Ireland both home & away for about 40 years both with 'amateur'.& professional girls & have caught a nasty dose in my oral cavity exactly... zero times. It's in every escorts interst to keep her back door as spotless as is possible all day every day, after all, it's very good for business...
When I read QUID PRO QUO I couldn't believe my eyes, !! Latin, yes Latin in the forum!! My God!! Great you have my thumbs up👍👍 and this is for you: