Lately I have been listening to podcasts and interviews on BDSM with people from different countries. I am left with the conclusion that in other countries BDSM is treated with a lot more respect and that the mistresses and Dominatrices are people who are really dedicated to their craft. I still feel here that it is treated like a dirty little shameful thing that "weird" people are into. I have never been comfortable talking with anyone other than professional Doms about my interest in BDSM in this country. On top of this I feel like there are so many "Doms" out there that are complete chancers. I know that there are mistresses in this country that advertise on this site and some that don't that are very dedicated to their craft and very committed to being complete professionals but there are way too many who I feel are just trying to make a quick buck. It just annoys me to see how awfully we treat this subculture in this country when for someone like me, it basically is the most prominent part of my sexual identity. If I were gay that would be fully embraced in todays climate but I still feel like there is a long way to go for BDSM.
Any thoughts?