Quote Originally Posted by gonzo76 View Post
How many of these cases have resulted in hospitalizations, deaths? you may be taking the headline effectiveness of the vaccines vs the actual reason for the vaccine.

The vaccines are not supposed to prevent cases. They are supposed to prevent serious illness and death.

This stuff about msm, etc, sorry, not buying it. You're diving into conspiracy territory there.
She may have a point I don't know but one thing appears certain this variant stuff is more of the many bits of nonsense peddled since the start of this malarky. The so called variants are so similar as to make little difference if you have an injection that works or have developed natural immunity. Indeed it appears that people who recovered from Sars 1 may still years later be immune to its cousin Covid which is 80% similar in structure. Additionally, the 20% that is different now appears almost certain to be the work of the Wohan labs backed up by US research cash not natural variation. People need to wake up and smell the coffee about this crap.