Quote Originally Posted by Janko View Post
you do most of those girls in them places are actually brothels too, there usually another girl working also but its puts them at greater risk from these violent low lifes as you have pointed out

but anyway you know very well most attacks are in brothels not those that work alone and you do know the reasons why that is so? we all know the many attacks in these brothels and so many of these poor escorts are afraid to speak out,
again I mentioned Ireland how awful bad of support system they have for these girls

give me some reasons why you thinks escorts are safer working in brothels???? Afterall I give you so many why they are not safer and why working alone they are safer from all sides
Please give me some reasons why you think as you do????

Also I wait for your answer, than I will prove to you with facts why what you say so far is just nonsense, you will see then I don't make blanket statements
Ignore my previous posts on that matter all you want,but are you going to answer the original question
and post what you based the statement below on (other than your own prejudice), or are you just going to keep on
changing the subject?

Quote Originally Posted by Janko View Post
it where the sex workers get let off being arrested and get to keep their items and sometimes cash in return for incriminating the client and its not a difficult decision for them