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Thread: An interview with ...... Beatha Massage!

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    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Default An interview with ...... Beatha Massage!

    An Interview With... Beatha Massage!

    Hi guys, well it is that time again in which I have interviewed one of Ireland's most popular advertisers.
    I have managed to make some time to interview one of the lovely E-I Advertisers, getting to know them more on a personal level and learn more about their experiences.

    We all hope that you are excited about this interview and will enjoy reading every part of it.

    PART 1:

    Floki: Hi Beatha,

    First of all, I thank you so much for agreeing and for taking part in 'An Interview with...'

    There is an unlimited amount of questions that we would love to ask, but unfortunately we only have so much space and time.
    So we here have gathered some of the most popular questions and added in some new questions for the interview.

    Our interview starts... Now!

    Floki: How did you come to hear about our site, ?

    Beatha: It was during the time when me and my friend wanted to discover more possibilities where to expand and spread a knowledge of tantric massage and at the same time to travel.
    Cause of many circumstances somehow the first choice was Ireland and the way how to advertise Escort-ireland.
    I have to say, because I was in that time checking lots of other websites and countries, as I was completely new in this industry, Escort -ireland is in my opinion the most advanced and professional website offering great service and even with years I can see progress and quality of service getting better and better.

    Floki: Oh thank you, I am happy to hear so
    What made you decide to work as an escort?

    Beatha: I used to do tantra in the Czech republic, Germany, Norway, these days sometimes also in Portugal as I have my second home there, my home n.1 is at the moment Dublin.
    Escorts-ireland is the first and the only erotic website that I’ve ever been advertising my work. I used to always work in tantric studios where I would be advertised on their website, or I also used to have tantra yoga studio in Prague, these days I have in Dublin.
    Then me and my friend had the idea to go to Ireland. We were young and rebellious. We wanted to travel and be independent, and escort sites seemed as a good option fulfill our wish to visit many different countries while working.
    We were already working around the industry as sex coachers, sexological bodyworkers and tantric therapists in our home country.

    We were here one of the first to offer tantric massage, which took some time to teach our clients what is tantric massage and be their guiders into different “dimension” of their sexuality and spirituality.
    And it seems Irish men love it. After all, traveling all over the world did not happen, I've got stuck in Ireland and moved to Dublin. I have here now my family and also my irish man.

    Floki: Apart form Ireland, have you ever worked as an escort in any other country?

    Beatha: No, I did not.

    Floki: When you first visited Ireland, what was your first reaction to the country?

    Beatha: I felt like I know this place from before. I felt strong connection, loved irish people. Few years later I moved here…

    Floki: Do you have a favourite destination in Ireland that you may like to visit? Maybe for a day from the stress..

    Beatha: To be honest, unfortunately I don’t travel around Ireland as I would wish. Most of the time I’ m very busy and traveling between countries.
    But quite regularly I visit Hill of Tara, it’s nice place to have a lunch, walk around, also there are every week going on meditation events.
    Also, I love Wicklow mountains and there is one special place I love to go for walks and see beautiful statues inspired by Indian mythology and philosophy, I think it’s called Victor’ s way.
    And I have to say, even this gentleman who made this beautiful park and designed these statues is a genius.
    Special person with cute madness. There’ s always very tiny line between madness and geniusness…

    Floki: Now seeing that you mainly provide massage services, did you take any courses to be as skilful as you are?

    Beatha: Yes I did, and I’ m still learning new and new things. I spent some time repeatedly in India where I went through numerous ayurvedic and yoga/tantric trainings, also I went through tantric and sexological
    bodywork trainings in Prague and London. And during all that time also expending my knowledge in the area of bodywork and learning new massage techniques.

    Floki: Wow, very interesting
    I have noticed that you offer the 'Shiatsu massage', I myself would like this very much but do you get many requesting for this service and do you walk on any of your clients backs?

    Beatha: To be honest, I don’ t get many requesting for shiatsu, but there are some shiatsu techniques even within tantric massage.

    Floki: I also see that you offer a 'Anti-Stress Massage', but what kinds of techniques is require for this to help release stress and would you be able to book me in for 3 months?

    Beatha: Well, I think that every holistic massage is also anti-stress massage. It’s now again getting cold and winter is coming, in these times hot stone massage is very beneficial, sometimes I do implement hot stone massage into
    tantric massage. There is no problem to book you in for three months.

    Floki: Oh sweet, 3 months should hopefully help
    Do you recall providing your first massage service and how did you think it went?

    Beatha: I was so nervous. But after all, it went all well.

    Floki: Do you receive many gifts and what kind do you receive?

    Beatha: I do receive lots of wine and chocolate and flowers, and I always appreciate it. Sometimes I get also some essential oils, books, jewellery.
    I think the best gift was nice fluffy and super warm slippers with sheep fur inside. I have them till now, and I think it was very thoughtful, as my client could see that I’m always walking around in a warm slippers on my feet, as it’s Ireland and I feel cold almost all the time.
    Last edited by Floki; 25-11-20 at 14:10.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014


    PART 2:

    Floki: Something so simple such as woolly slippers, that's all it needs to take to put a smile on.
    Any spare going for me?

    Being from France, how do you think the people in Ireland compare to the French

    Beatha: I was born in the Czech republic, in Prague. But my father is French, half of my family is in France.
    And I’m always saying that I was enough lucky growing up in the essence of top beautiful cities of Europe – Prague, Vienna and Paris. I think it very much influenced my sense of beauty.
    I can actually see similarities with Czechs. Sense of humour and even folklore traditional music, which is very celtic too, Czechs have even bag pipes as one of traditional instruments.
    French people really like the Irish. To be honest, I don’t know what exactly it is or how to describe that feeling… but maybe it is kind of common dislike of English
    My father is ok with me being in Ireland. If I would live in England, I think he would be little disturbed

    Floki: I'm English/N.Irish, so I can't say much on the French

    Like myself, if people have never been to France, then what would be a good recommended place to visit for fun activities?

    Beatha: French riviera is fun. Even though it’ s quite expensive. But it is interesting experience to get to know French riviera’s buzz.
    But my real heart location is also in south of France, in Provence, where Mary Magdalene escaped from persecution with her sister and brother, where she lived then till her last days and was devoted to her priestess path.
    In La Sainte Baume massive there’ s a cave where she spent some time, also you can be discovering her life in surrounded areas of Saintes-Maries-de-la-mer, Saint-Maximin.
    Mary Magdalene is very interesting archetype, through history being defamed a lot.
    On the top – I use it always also as kind of a joke, after all she s one of the most famous “prostitutes”, and I truly believe that to understand better who really Magdalene was, can heal lots of wounds on women’s soul.
    And I’m fully aware of the fact, that this topic can be little controversial for Ireland, but I think it’ s a reason why I am here. I’m rebel and feminist from my nature and so Magdalene was.

    Floki: You mention 'City of Love' and Paris is usually the first place that people think of. Would you say that it is so, or do you think that there is more places better and romantic than Paris?

    Beatha: For me, the most favorite and romantic area of Paris is Montmartre.

    Floki: I have just goggled the area an have to say, it looks really nice and peaceful and understand why it could be romantic.

    Which leads to my next question. Are you a lady that loves to be romance and what would be your idea of a perfect romantic date?

    Beatha: I’m very romantic person. As a little girl I was watching all classic movies with Audrey Hepburn, Brigitte Bardot, Anna Karina, Jean-Paul Belmondo and songs from Serge Gainsbourg.
    And this was my inspiration for my imagination of how I will be when I will be an adult and idea of romance

    Anyway, I found my “Belmondo” in Dublin…

    Floki: Have you had any embarrassing moments that may have happened during any of your appointments?

    Beatha: Can’t remember…

    Floki: What sort of jobs did you have before sex work industry?

    Beatha: Completely originally I’m opera singer, and that’s what I studied. But since my early childhood I was always also interested in herbs , natural remedies, I loved giving a massage. So I always had this healing side of me.
    For past 12 years i have an experience in the area of Ayurveda, meditation, massage therapies and then for past 10 years also being in the area of discovery of human sexuality, so I’m certified sex coach, tantric therapist and sexological bodyworker… I was kind of almost always in this industry. And why being on escort-ireland? Well apart of the original idea of traveling and independence, as I said earlier.

    Realistically I have already my regular clients here in Dublin, but I want also to “get” clients that otherwise would never get into contact with me, or did not get idea to try something like this.

    I have my own website where people find me when they are directly looking for some of my services, so it means they know about tantric massage and sexological bodywork.
    But then, thanks to I get clients that by “mistake” or out of “curiosity” they discover a beauty and therapeutic side of my work.
    I so much believe in my work and importance of what me and my colleages do, that I want to spread it as much as possible.

    Floki: Working for a few years now, do you feel that the ‘Swedish Model (aka the Nordic Law) has caused any affects your your business in any way?

    Beatha: It did not cause any effect on my business. But my personal opinion is that it’ s all wrong. And it does not help to anybody. And that’s why I do what I do, because i believe we should more talk openly about sexuality and sex,
    we should more talk about intimacy, and how is intimacy important and that intimacy and sex does not have to be always the same, but realistically people do look for intimacy and affection.
    I completely disagree with all the shame around sexuality, because it’s what is causing violence and abuse. I hope, in future there will be no stigma about sex-workers, because they do incredible work.
    I could talk about this for hours and hours…

    Floki: I agree and see no reason to why anybody's sexuality should bother anybody at all.

    Do people tend to try and mimic your accent or speak French to you?

    Beatha: They do try to speak French at me. And it’ s cute. But I have strong
    central European accent…

    Floki: Performing massage service, would you accept a booking with somebody that you knew personally?

    Beatha: Yes, I do it regularly. Especially at the start when I was learning
    massages, I was training on my friends…

    Floki: What advice would you give to somebody that wished to become a masseuse who had never really had any experience?

    Beatha: I would say – you can’t give, what you don’ t have. So first, nourish
    yourself. Go for massage and sauna, look after yourself too.

    Floki: I like that, a very good answer

    Floki: Beatha Sorry, but unfortunately this is all we have got, so I just want to thank you again for taking part in 'An interview with...'
    It was a great pleasure to having the chance to interview you, I enjoyed your answers very much and wish you all the best for the future xx

    Well everyone, we hope that you enjoyed reading the interview will have learned something new from this and have learnt to appreciate all advertisers just that little bit more.

    Floki x

    Guys, Beatha is currently advertising and is awaiting for your call, so pick up that phone and call her!

    Beatha's Tour Dates: 27th October - 2nd November - Dublin, Dublin 6, Rathmines

    Beatha's Message Boards Account:
    Beatha's Profile and Reviews:

  3. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Floki For This Useful Post:

    enfr (25-06-22), jessicabp (28-10-20)

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2014


    One of the best interview, she seems a very interesting person.
    Sensual massage with Thai oil massage elements ★★★★★
    Upcoming tour updated:

    See you in Belfast! 🚢

  5. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to jessicabp For This Useful Post:

    enfr (25-06-22), Floki (28-10-20)

  6. Default


  7. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2019


    I loved this interview.
    So chill

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